2020년 고2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사

변형 문제 2

2020년 고2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2

일반 워크북 형태의 문제에서 벗어나 The Makings가 만든

2020년 고2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2

출판사에서 오랫동안 영어 번역과 교정을 하셨던 원어민 선생님과

현직에서 강사를 하고 있는 연구진들이 학생들을 위한

최상의 2020년 고2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2 를 선보입니다.

사고력과 이해력을 요구하는 문제들로 내신 대비 뿐만이 아니라

수능도 한꺼번에 공부하실 수 있는 자료입니다.

중간고사&기말고사 전에 더메이킹스(The Makings)에서 제작한  

2020년 고2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제로 마무리 하세요.

정답 확인하러가기!



2020년 고2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2

2020년 고2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제, 내신대비, 영어내신자료,고등영어자료, 모의고사 변형문제,전국 연합모의고사 변형자료, 모의고사 영어 서술형 대비






The Makings의 2020년 고2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제는

총 11개의 유형으로 구성되어 있습니다.


1. 빈칸 채우기(객관식)

2. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/한글 선택지)

3. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/영어 선택지)

4. 글 끼어 넣기(객관식)

5. 어법(서술형)

6. 어휘(서술형)

7. 주제문(객관식/영어 선택지)

8. 어휘 빈칸 채우기(서술형)

9. 영작(서술형)

10. 요약문 완성하기(서술형)

11. 문단 재배열 하기(객관식)


2020년 고2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2


더메이킹스(The Makings)가 제작한  2020년 고2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사

변형 문제 2 의 지문입니다.


1번 지문(문항 번호 29번)

Every farmer knows that the hard part is getting the field prepared. Inserting seeds and watching them grow is easy. In the case of science and industry, the community prepares the field, yet society tends to give all the credit to the individual who happens to plant a successful seed. Planting a seed does not necessarily require overwhelming intelligence; creating an environment that allows seeds to prosper does. We need to give more credit to the community in science, politics, business, and daily life. Martin Luther King Jr. was a great man. Perhaps his greatest strength was his ability to inspire people to work together to achieve, against all odds, revolutionary changes in society's perception of race and in the fairness of the law. But to really understand what he accomplished requires looking beyond the man. Instead of treating him as the manifestation of everything great, we should appreciate his role in allowing America to show that it can be great.


2번 지문(문항 번호 30번)

Sudden success or winnings can be very dangerous. Neurologically, chemicals are released in the brain that give a powerful burst of excitement and energy, leading to the desire to repeat this experience. It can be the start of any kind of addiction or manic behavior. Also, when gains come quickly we tend to lose sight of the basic wisdom that true success, to really last, must come through hard work. We do not take into account the role that luck plays in such sudden gains. We try again and again to recapture that high from winning so much money or attention. We acquire feelings of superiority. We become especially resistant to anyone who tries to warn us— they don't understand, we tell ourselves. Because this cannot be sustained, we experience an inevitable fall, which is all the more painful, leading to the depression part of the cycle. Although gamblers are the most prone to this, it equally applies to business people during bubbles and to people who gain sudden attention from the public.


3번 지문(문항 번호 31번)

When is the right time for the predator to consume the fruit? The plant uses the color of the fruit to signal to predators that it is ripe, which means that the seed's hull has hardened — and therefore the sugar content is at its height. Incredibly, the plant has chosen to manufacture fructose, instead of glucose, as the sugar in the fruit. Glucose raises insulin levels in primates and humans, which initially raises levels of leptin, a hunger‒blocking hormone — but fructose does not. As a result, the predator never receives the normal message that it is full. That makes for a win‒win for predator and prey. The animal obtains more calories, and because it keeps eating more and more fruit and therefore more seeds, the plant has a better chance of distributing more of its babies.


4번 지문(문항 번호 32번)

We are often faced with high‒level decisions, where we are unable to predict the results of those decisions. In such situations, most people end up quitting the option altogether, because the stakes are high and results are very unpredictable. But there is a solution for this. You should use the process of testing the option on a smaller scale. In many situations, it's wise to dip your toe in the water rather than dive in headfirst. Recently, I was about to enroll in an expensive coaching program. But I was not fully convinced of how the outcome would be. Therefore, I used this process by enrolling in a low‒cost mini course with the same instructor. This helped me understand his methodology, style, and content; and I was able to test it with a lower investment, and less time and effort before committing fully to the expensive program.



2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사

변형 문제 4

2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 4

2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 4

일반 워크북 형태의 문제에서 벗어나 The Makings가 만든  

2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 4

출판사에서 오랫동안 영어 번역과 교정을 하셨던 원어민 선생님과

현직에서 강사를 하고 있는 연구진들이 학생들을 위한 최상의  

2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 4 을 선보입니다.

사고력과 이해력을 요구하는 문제들로 내신 대비 뿐만이 아니라

수능도 한꺼번에 공부하실 수 있는 자료입니다.

중간고사&기말고사 전에 더메이킹스(The Makings)에서 제작한  

2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제로 마무리 하세요.


정답 확인하러가기!



2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 4

2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 , 내신대비, 영어내신자료,고등영어자료, 모의고사 변형문제,전국 연합모의고사 변형자료, 모의고사 영어 서술형 대비






The Makings의 2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제는

총 11개의 유형으로 구성되어 있습니다.

1. 빈칸 채우기(객관식)

2. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/한글 선택지)

3. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/영어 선택지)

4. 글 끼어 넣기(객관식)

5. 어법(서술형)

6. 어휘(서술형)

7. 주제문(객관식/영어 선택지)

8. 어휘 빈칸 채우기(서술형)

9. 영작(서술형)

10. 요약문 완성하기(서술형)

11. 문단 재배열 하기(객관식)



더메이킹스(The Makings)가 제작한  2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사

변형 문제 4 의 지문입니다.


1번 지문(문항 번호 37번)

When we compare human and animal desire we find many extraordinary differences. Animals tend to eat with their stomachs, and humans with their brains. When animals' stomachs are full, they stop eating, but humans are never sure when to stop. When they have eaten as much as their bellies can take, they still feel empty, they still feel an urge for further gratification. This is largely due to anxiety, to the knowledge that a constant supply of food is uncertain. Therefore, they eat as much as possible while they can. It is due, also, to the knowledge that, in an insecure world, pleasure is uncertain. Therefore, the immediate pleasure of eating must be exploited to the full, even though it does violence to the digestion.


2번 지문(문항 번호 38번)

Currently, we cannot send humans to other planets. One obstacle is that such a trip would take years. A spacecraft would need to carry enough air, water, and other supplies needed for survival on the long journey. Another obstacle is the harsh conditions on other planets, such as extreme heat and cold. Some planets do not even have surfaces to land on. Because of these obstacles, most research missions in space are accomplished through the use of spacecraft without crews aboard. These explorations pose no risk to human life and are less expensive than ones involving astronauts. The spacecraft carry instruments that test the compositions and characteristics of planets.


3번 지문(문항 번호 39번)

Our brains are constantly solving problems. Every time we learn, or remember, or make sense of something, we solve a problem. Some psychologists have characterized all infant language‒learning as problem‒solving, extending to children such scientific procedures as "learning by experiment," or "hypothesis‒testing." Grown‒ups rarely explain the meaning of new words to children, let alone how grammatical rules work. Instead they use the words or the rules in conversation and leave it to children to figure out what is going on. In order to learn language, an infant must make sense of the contexts in which language occurs; problems must be solved. We have all been solving problems of this kind since childhood, usually without awareness of what we are doing.


4번 지문(문항 번호 40번)

Have you noticed that some coaches get the most out of their athletes while others don't? A poor coach will tell you what you did wrong and then tell you not to do it again: "Don't drop the ball!" What happens next? The images you see in your head are images of you dropping the ball! Naturally, your mind recreates what it just "saw" based on what it's been told. Not surprisingly, you walk on the court and drop the ball. What does the good coach do? He or she points out what could be improved, but will then tell you how you could or should perform: "I know you'll catch the ball perfectly this time." Sure enough, the next image in your mind is you catching the ball and scoring a goal. Once again, your mind makes your last thoughts part of reality — but this time, that "reality" is positive, not negative.


2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사

변형 문제 3

2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 3


일반 워크북 형태의 문제에서 벗어나 The Makings가 만든  

2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 3

출판사에서 오랫동안 영어 번역과 교정을 하셨던 원어민 선생님과

현직에서 강사를 하고 있는 연구진들이 학생들을 위한 최상의

2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 3 을 선보입니다.

사고력과 이해력을 요구하는 문제들로 내신 대비 뿐만이 아니라

수능도 한꺼번에 공부하실 수 있는 자료입니다.

중간고사&기말고사 전에 더메이킹스(The Makings)에서 제작한

2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제로 마무리 하세요.


정답 확인하러가기!



2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 3

2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 , 내신대비, 영어내신자료,고등영어자료, 모의고사 변형문제,전국 연합모의고사 변형자료, 모의고사 영어 서술형 대비





2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 3


The Makings의 2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제는

총 11개의 유형으로 구성되어 있습니다.


1. 빈칸 채우기(객관식)

2. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/한글 선택지)

3. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/영어 선택지)

4. 글 끼어 넣기(객관식)

5. 어법(서술형)

6. 어휘(서술형)

7. 주제문(객관식/영어 선택지)

8. 어휘 빈칸 채우기(서술형)

9. 영작(서술형)

10. 요약문 완성하기(서술형)

11. 문단 재배열 하기(객관식)



더메이킹스(The Makings)가 제작한  2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사

변형 문제 3 의 지문입니다.


1번 지문(문항 번호 33번)

Recently I was with a client who had spent almost five hours with me. As we were parting for the evening, we reflected on what we had covered that day. Even though our conversation was very collegial, I noticed that my client was holding one leg at a right angle to his body, seemingly wanting to take off on its own. At that point I said, "You really do have to leave now, don't you?" "Yes," he admitted. "I am so sorry. I didn't want to be rude but I have to call London and I only have five minutes!" Here was a case where my client's language and most of his body revealed nothing but positive feelings. His feet, however, were the most honest communicators, and they clearly told me that as much as he wanted to stay, duty was calling.


2번 지문(문항 번호 34번)

One of the main reasons that students may think they know the material, even when they don't, is that they mistake familiarity for understanding. Here is how it works: You read the chapter once, perhaps highlighting as you go. Then later, you read the chapter again, perhaps focusing on the highlighted material. As you read it over, the material is familiar because you remember it from before, and this familiarity might lead you to think, "Okay, I know that." The problem is that this feeling of familiarity is not necessarily equivalent to knowing the material and may be of no help when you have to come up with an answer on the exam. In fact, familiarity can often lead to errors on multiple‒choice exams because you might pick a choice that looks familiar, only to find later that it was something you had read, but it wasn't really the best answer to the question.


3번 지문(문항 번호 35번)

Given the widespread use of emoticons in electronic communication, an important question is whether they help Internet users to understand emotions in online communication. Emoticons, particularly character‒based ones, are much more ambiguous relative to face‒to‒face cues and may end up being interpreted very differently by different users. Nonetheless, research indicates that they are useful tools in online text‒based communication. One study of 137 instant messaging users revealed that emoticons allowed users to correctly understand the level and direction of emotion, attitude, and attention expression and that emoticons were a definite advantage in non‒verbal communication. Similarly, another study showed that emoticons were useful in strengthening the intensity of a verbal message, as well as in the expression of sarcasm.


4번 지문(문항 번호 36번)

Students work to get good grades even when they have no interest in their studies. People seek job advancement even when they are happy with the jobs they already have. It's like being in a crowded football stadium, watching the crucial play. A spectator several rows in front stands up to get a better view, and a chain reaction follows. Soon everyone is standing, just to be able to see as well as before. Everyone is on their feet rather than sitting, but no one's position has improved. And if someone refuses to stand, he might just as well not be at the game at all. When people pursue goods that are positional, they can't help being in the rat race. To choose not to run is to lose.







2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사

변형 문제 2

2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2

2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2

일반 워크북 형태의 문제에서 벗어나 The Makings가 만든  

2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2

출판사에서 오랫동안 영어 번역과 교정을 하셨던 원어민 선생님과

현직에서 강사를 하고 있는 연구진들이 학생들을 위한

최상의 2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2 를 선보입니다.

사고력과 이해력을 요구하는 문제들로 내신 대비 뿐만이 아니라

수능도 한꺼번에 공부하실 수 있는 자료입니다.

중간고사&기말고사 전에 더메이킹스(The Makings)에서 제작한

2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제로 마무리 하세요.


정답 확인하러가기!



2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2

2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 , 내신대비, 영어내신자료,고등영어자료, 모의고사 변형문제,전국 연합모의고사 변형자료, 모의고사 영어 서술형 대비





2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2


The Makings의 2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제는

총 11개의 유형으로 구성되어 있습니다.


1. 빈칸 채우기(객관식)

2. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/한글 선택지)

3. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/영어 선택지)

4. 글 끼어 넣기(객관식)

5. 어법(서술형)

6. 어휘(서술형)

7. 주제문(객관식/영어 선택지)

8. 어휘 빈칸 채우기(서술형)

9. 영작(서술형)

10. 요약문 완성하기(서술형)

11. 문단 재배열 하기(객관식)



더메이킹스(The Makings)가 제작한  

2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2 의 지문입니다.


1번 지문(문항 번호 29번)

Positively or negatively, our parents and families are powerful influences on us. But even stronger, especially when we're young, are our friends. We often choose friends as a way of expanding our sense of identity beyond our families. As a result, the pressure to conform to the standards and expectations of friends and other social groups is likely to be intense. Judith Rich Harris, who is a developmental psychologist, argues that three main forces shape our development: personal temperament, our parents, and our peers. The influence of peers, she argues, is much stronger than that of parents. "The world that children share with their peers," she says, "is what shapes their behavior and modifies the characteristics they were born with, and hence determines the sort of people they will be when they grow up."


2번 지문(문항 번호 30번)

The brain makes up just two percent of our body weight but uses 20 percent of our energy. In newborns, it's no less than 65 percent. That's partly why babies sleep all the time — their growing brains exhaust them — and have a lot of body fat, to use as an energy reserve when needed. Our muscles use even more of our energy, about a quarter of the total, but we have a lot of muscle. Actually, per unit of matter, the brain uses by far more energy than our other organs. That means that the brain is the most expensive of our organs. But it is also marvelously efficient. Our brains require only about four hundred calories of energy a day — about the same as we get from a blueberry muffin. Try running your laptop for twenty‒four hours on a muffin and see how far you get


3번 지문(문항 번호 31번)

When reading another scientist's findings, think critically about the experiment. Ask yourself: Were observations recorded during or after the experiment? Do the conclusions make sense? Can the results be repeated? Are the sources of information reliable? You should also ask if the scientist or group conducting the experiment was unbiased. Being unbiased means that you have no special interest in the outcome of the experiment. For example, if a drug company pays for an experiment to test how well one of its new products works, there is a special interest involved: The drug company profits if the experiment shows that its product is effective. Therefore, the experimenters aren't objective. They might ensure the conclusion is positive and benefits the drug company. When assessing results, think about any biases that may be present!


4번 지문(문항 번호 32번)

Humans are champion long‒distance runners. As soon as a person and a chimp start running they both get hot. Chimps quickly overheat; humans do not, because they are much better at shedding body heat. According to one leading theory, ancestral humans lost their hair over successive generations because less hair meant cooler, more effective long‒distance running. That ability let our ancestors outmaneuver and outrun prey. Try wearing a couple of extra jackets — or better yet, fur coats — on a hot humid day and run a mile. Now, take those jackets off and try it again. You'll see what a difference a lack of fur makes.







2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 1

2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 1

일반 워크북 형태의 문제에서 벗어나 The Makings가 만든

2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 1

출판사에서 오랫동안 영어 번역과 교정을 하셨던 원어민 선생님과

현직에서 강사를 하고 있는 연구진들이 학생들을 위한

최상의 2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 1 를 선보입니다.

사고력과 이해력을 요구하는 문제들로 내신 대비 뿐만이 아니라

수능도 한꺼번에 공부하실 수 있는 자료입니다.

중간고사&기말고사 전에 더메이킹스(The Makings)에서 제작한  

2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제로 마무리 하세요.


정답 확인하러가기!



2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제

2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 , 내신대비, 영어내신자료,고등영어자료, 모의고사 변형문제,전국 연합모의고사 변형자료, 모의고사 영어 서술형 대비





2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 1


The Makings의 2020 고1 6월 모의고사 변형 문제는

총 11개의 유형으로 구성되어 있습니다.


1. 빈칸 채우기(객관식)

2. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/한글 선택지)

3. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/영어 선택지)

4. 글 끼어 넣기(객관식)

5. 어법(서술형)

6. 어휘(서술형)

7. 주제문(객관식/영어 선택지)

8. 어휘 빈칸 채우기(서술형)

9. 영작(서술형)

10. 요약문 완성하기(서술형)

11. 문단 재배열 하기(객관식)



더메이킹스(The Makings)가 제작한  2020년 고1 6월 전국 연합 모의고사

변형 문제 1의 지문입니다.


1번 지문(문항 번호 20번)

The dish you start with serves as an anchor food for your entire meal. Experiments show that people eat nearly 50 percent greater quantity of the food they eat first. If you start with a dinner roll, you will eat more starches, less protein, and fewer vegetables. Eat the healthiest food on your plate first. As age‒old wisdom suggests, this usually means starting with your vegetables or salad. If you are going to eat something unhealthy, at least save it for last. This will give your body the opportunity to fill up on better options before you move on to starches or sugary desserts.


2번 지문(문항 번호 21번)

Authentic, effective body language is more than the sum of individual signals. When people work from this rote‒ memory, dictionary approach, they stop seeing the bigger picture, all the diverse aspects of social perception. Instead, they see a person with crossed arms and think, "Reserved, angry." They see a smile and think, "Happy." They use a firm handshake to show other people "who is boss." Trying to use body language by reading a body language dictionary is like trying to speak French by reading a French dictionary. Things tend to fall apart in an inauthentic mess. Your actions seem robotic; your body language signals are disconnected from one another. You end up confusing the very people you're trying to attract because your body language just rings false.


3번 지문(문항 번호 22번)

A goal‒oriented mind‒set can create a "yo‒yo" effect. Many runners work hard for months, but as soon as they cross the finish line, they stop training. The race is no longer there to motivate them. When all of your hard work is focused on a particular goal, what is left to push you forward after you achieve it? This is why many people find themselves returning to their old habits after accomplishing a goal. The purpose of setting goals is to win the game. The purpose of building systems is to continue playing the game. True long‒term thinking is goal‒less thinking. It's not about any single accomplishment. It is about the cycle of endless refinement and continuous improvement. Ultimately, it is your commitment to the process that will determine your progress.


4번 지문(문항 번호 23번)

Like anything else involving effort, compassion takes practice. We have to work at getting into the habit of standing with others in their time of need. Sometimes offering help is a simple matter that does not take us far out of our way ― remembering to speak a kind word to someone who is down, or spending an occasional Saturday morning volunteering for a favorite cause. At other times, helping involves some real sacrifice. "A bone to the dog is not charity," Jack London observed. "Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog." If we practice taking the many small opportunities to help others, we'll be in shape to act when those times requiring real, hard sacrifice come along.







2015년 개정 영어 금성(최인철) 4과 변형 문제

Let's Make Every Day Earth Day

2015년 개정 영어 금성(최인철) 4과 변형 문제

일반 워크북 형태의 문제에서 벗어나 The Makings가 만든

2015년 개정 영어 금성(최인철) 4과 변형 문제는

출판사에서 오랫동안 영어 번역과 교정을 하셨던 원어민 선생님과

현직에서 강사를 하고 있는 연구진들이 학생들을 위한

최상의 2015년 개정 영어 금성(최인철) 4과 변형 문제를 선보입니다.

중간고사&기말고사 전에 더메이킹스(The Makings)에서 제작한

2015년 개정 영어 금성(최인철) 4과 변형 문제로 마무리하세요.


정답 확인하러가기!



2015년 개정 영어 금성(최인철) 4과 변형 문제 Let's Make Every Day Earth Day

2015년 개정 영어 금성(최인철) 내신 문제, 고등교과서 내신 문제, 고등 변형문제, 고등영어자료, 금성 영어 교과서 변형 문제, 금성 최인철 내신 문제





2015년 개정 영어 금성(최인철) 4과 변형 문제

더메이킹스(The Makings)의 2015년 개정 영어 금성(최인철) 4과 변형 문제는

총 8개의 유형으로 구성되어 있습니다. (35문제)


1. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/영어 선택지)

2. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/한글 선택지)

3. 중요 문장 영작(서술형)

4. 글 끼워 넣기(객관식)

5. 어법(서술형)

6. 어색한 어휘 찾아내기(서술형)

7. 알맞은 어휘 넣기(서술형)

8. 요약문 완성(서술형)



더메이킹스(The Makings)가 제작한 2015년 개정 영어 금성(최인철) 4과의 지문입니다.


1번 지문

What do you think will happen to us if we keep polluting the environment? Imagine what our planet will be like based on the following news report.



Super Storms Claim More than One Million Lives

Since the latest super storm hit Southeast Asia, the total number of deaths and injuries has now exceeded one million. At 3 p.m. on March 30th, 2025, an 18-hour storm severely damaged the region. On April 2nd, the number of deaths and injured individuals stood at 514,000, with over 17,000 missing, and the numbers are expected to rise. One 65-year-old man who lost his house said, “I’ve never seen such strong winds in my whole life. I’ve lost everything.” The storm left many people homeless. A climate scientist said this super storm was obviously caused by dramatic changes in the global climate. He added, “A rise in global temperatures has increased the intensity of storms with higher wind speeds.” Unfortunately, researchers predict that super storms will happen more frequently this summer.


2번 지문

Life Issues

Volunteers Respond to the Micro Dust Problem

For years, the micro dust that blows into Korea from China has been a serious problem. A few years ago, despite global efforts to deal with the problem, it seemed the problem was getting worse. But from the year before last, air pollution has greatly decreased thanks to the help of volunteers from neighboring countries, who have planted trees in many parts of China. The effort started ten years ago, and it’s now starting to show significant results. Experts explain that the trees serve as a wall to block the sand and dust from crossing into Korea. At long last, this coming weekend, people of all ages are expected to breathe in the fresh air.



Making Up for the Water Shortage

Korea, along with many other countries in the world, is still classified as a country with a serious water shortage. However, this is starting to become a thing of the past. The remarkable development of engineering and chemistry inspired Korean researchers, who have tried to solve severe drought problems. In the end, they successfully transformed sea water into fresh water in an environmentally friendly way. They also found a way to reuse water that contains high salt content. This new solution has reduced worries about the effects of this technology on marine life. Since this technology has become widely used, it has become a source of hope for the people who need drinkable water. A sufficient supply of clean water using the technology is now being developed and is expected to help root out diseases that are caused by the world’s lack of clean water.


3번 지문


Rising Sea Levels Threaten Nations

It’s now official. The Arctic ice has melted away and is now only one-fifth of what it was in 1979. Many climate scientists have said that the Arctic could have a summer entirely free of ice by 2030 due to global warming. So what is causing the temperature to rise? The main cause is carbon dioxide emissions. Greenhouse gases are being trapped within the earth’s atmosphere, which has led to rising temperatures. The rising sea level has resulted in the sinking of the Maldives, which is a famous tourist destination. According to many researchers, by 2100, New York and Shanghai will also sink, and the average global temperature is expected to be about 3.6 degrees higher than now. Some may wonder why we should worry about a three-degree increase in warming. A one-degree global change is highly significant because it takes a vast amount of heat to warm all the earth’s oceans, atmosphere, and land. In the past, just a one- to two-degree drop caused the earth to go through the Little Ice Age. World leaders have realized the seriousness of climate change, so they will meet in Paris next month for a climate forum.


4번 지문


The Pursuit of More Efficient Alternative Energy Sources

The global ban on fossil fuels gave a boost to alternative energy. A number of companies around the world have built up more effective energy sources that can make up for the shortage of fossil fuels. Thanks to the development of renewable energy resources, they now make up more than half of the country’s entire power, and this rate is set to grow even bigger. Renewable energy resources come from a wide variety of sources including the sun, the wind, and the sea. Using renewable energy produces less air or water pollution and fewer carbon dioxide emissions than using fossil fuels. The rapid development of renewable energy sources will help us meet energy demands without creating much pollution.


The Green Car Market

As the competition in the electric car market has become more intense, many companies have long been struggling to develop long-lasting electric car batteries. At the same time, hydrogen cars with satellite communications have also joined in this competition. They can eliminate polluted air produced by fossil fuel engines. Heating up the green car market fever, the launch of new hydrogen cars is expected to help reduce air pollution and eventually solve the energy crisis.


5번 지문

The 10th International Environment Forum by


Let’s Be Friends with the Earth!

At theGreen Earth Foundation, we focus on educational and cultural programs to help raise awareness regarding urgent environmental issues. For that purpose, we annually hold an international environment forum to share ideas and discuss environmental issues.



Saturday April 11th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.



Session 1 (10:00 to 10:30): Opening

Session 2 (10:30 to 12:00): Poster & Video Competition

Session 3 (13:00 to 15:00): Speech Contest



Auditorium (1st floor) at May Hall

Please visit our website www.greenearth.com for more information.


What do you think of the news? The future of the planet is in your hands. Your small actions can make a big difference.


2015년 개정 영어 비상(홍민표) 4과 변형 문제 Explore

2015년 개정 영어 비상(홍민표) 4과 변형 문제

일반 워크북 형태의 문제에서 벗어나 The Makings가 만든

2015년 개정 영어 비상(홍민표) 4과 변형 문제는

출판사에서 오랫동안 영어 번역과 교정을 하셨던 원어민 선생님과

현직에서 강사를 하고 있는 연구진들이 학생들을 위한

최상의 2015년 개정 영어 비상(홍민표) 4과 변형 문제를 선보입니다.

중간고사&기말고사 전에 더메이킹스(The Makings)에서

제작한 2015년 개정 영어 비상(홍민표) 4과 변형 문제로 마무리하세요.


정답 확인하러가기!



2015년 개정 영어 비상(홍민표) 4과 변형 문제 Explore

2015년 개정 영어 비상(홍민표) 내신 문제, 고등교과서 내신 문제, 고등 변형문제, 고등영어자료, 비상 홍민표 교과서 문제, 비상 홍민표 자료, 비상 홍민표 내신문제





2015년 개정 영어 비상(홍민표) 4과 변형 문제 Explore


더 메이 킹스(The Makings)의 2015년 개정 영어 비상(홍민표) 4과 변형 문제는

총 10개의 유형으로 구성되어 있습니다. (40문제)


1. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/한글 선택지)

2. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/영어 선택지)

3. 어법(서술형)

4. 글 끼워넣기(객관식)

5. 어색한 어휘 찾아내기(서술형)

6. 요약문 완성(서술형)

7. 빈칸 어휘 넣기(서술형)

8. 중요 문장 영작(서술형)

9. 단락 순서 완성(객관식)

10. 주제문(객관식/영어 선택지)



더메이킹스(The Makings)가 제작한 2015년 개정 영어 비상(홍민표) 4과의 지문입니다.


1번 지문

I was thrilled when my cousin, Suji, invited me to Italy, a country in southern Europe that looks like a boot. She had a few days off from studying music in a conservatory, so we could spend a week together in Rome and Venice. I had never been abroad by myself, and I was a bit worried, but after the long flight for twelve hours, I was pleased to be greeted by my cousin at Leonardo da Vinci International Airport in Rome. Since Italy is seven hours behind Seoul, I was quite exhausted and sleepy when I got there. However, I forced myself to stay awake to begin my trip in earnest.



2번 지문

Rome was like a giant museum to me. We began our sightseeing at the Colosseum. Nowadays, we can only see a part of what was once the greatest structure in the ancient world. It amazed me to think that people could build such a structure without modern construction equipment. The Colosseum has eighty arches through which about fifty thousand people could go in and out in fifteen minutes! As I reached the top of the stairs inside, I looked down and I could almost hear the cheer of the crowd.

Suji and I walked along a path leading away from the Colosseum and heard the sound of falling water. We knew instantly that we were near the famous Trevi Fountain. Legend says that a single coin thrown into the fountain will ensure a return to Rome, a second coin will bring true love, and a third coin marriage! I threw one over my shoulder, wishing a return to Italy someday. I found it interesting that even on the other side of the world, people still wish for simple things like happiness, love, and marriage.

Who in Rome could miss out on a chance to visit Vatican City, the place where the Pope lives? It is known as the smallest state in the world. In fact, it takes only thirty minutes to walk from one border to the other! I was overwhelmed, however, by the collection of sculptures and paintings in the Vatican Museums. The Creation of Adam, one of Michelangelo's masterpieces, on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, still lingers in my mind. Although I knew photographs are not allowed, the masterpiece was so impressive that I almost took one. After looking around, we walked out to see many people lined up in front of a small store where green apple gelato was served. Suji convinced me to wait in line for over twenty minutes saying that it would be worth it. She was right: the gelato was out of this world.



3번 지문

After a couple of more days in Rome, we headed to Venice. The seaside city was a lot more romantic than Rome, but a lot more humid as well. Suji said she had to visit a friend, so she suggested that I explore the city on my own for a few hours. We could meet up at the train station later in the afternoon.

I decided to go to the Rialto Bridge first, so I started walking. Within moments, the winding alleys made my map almost useless. After some wandering, I was lucky enough to meet a group of tourists my age from Britain. They were headed to the Rialto Bridge too! The bridge itself was as elegant as people say it is, but I was more impressed by the beautiful view of the canal from the steps of the bridge. I said goodbye to my British friends and walked to St. Mark's Square, one of the prime attractions of Venice. I had never seen so many pigeons in my life. They were so used to being around people that they would wait until people weren't paying attention and then steal their crackers! But what truly made me stop and stare in wonder were the beautiful buildings surrounding all three sides of the square. Along the buildings were shops selling beautiful glass pieces, gloves, and much more. After looking around for a while, I bought small glasses for my parents.

My trip to Venice would not be complete without a gondola ride along the Grand Canal, which snakes through the city in a large S shape. I was disappointed to find out the fare to ride the Grand Canal by myself was so expensive that I could not afford it. The moment I was turning back, I saw my British tourist friends walking toward the ticket office. We shared the fare and we commented on the unique differences of the buildings along the canal. We had a nice chat, took some great pictures, and exchanged email addresses before we got off the gondola.

My trip to Italy was definitely an experience of a lifetime. I hope my next trip can be to England to visit my British friends. People say that the world is a book, and that those who do not travel read only one of the pages in it. So far, I have read two pages. I hope I have opportunities to read many more pages.



4번 지문

"When you travel abroad and need a place to spend a night, would you prefer a comfortable room on a busy city street or a place that is a bit uncomfortable but unique and special? Check out the following accommodations that will give you a memorable experience."




In the Desert: Hustai Ger

When you visit Mongolia, a ger is a place worth sleeping in. It is a portable round house used by the people of Mongolia who had to move from place to place in search of water, food, and grass for their animals. Hustai Ger, located in Hustai National Park, is equipped with modern showers, restrooms, and restaurants for comfort. It provides visitors with a rare chance to explore the natural beauty of the park.




In the Frozen World: Icehotel

Ever dreamed of sleeping in an ice house? Try Icehotel in northern Sweden. It is a place made of ice where you can spend a night surrounded by walls of ice from the nearby Torne River. It is open only for six months from November to April, for obvious reasons. One great thing is that rooms are newly designed and built every year from the new ice of the river, which provides guests with unique, unforgettable memories.



2015년 개정 영어 비상(홍민표) 3과 변형 문제


2015년 개정 영어 비상(홍민표) 3과 변형 문제 Contribute

일반 워크북 형태의 문제에서 벗어나 The Makings가 만든

2015년 개정 영어 비상(홍민표) 3과 변형 문제는

출판사에서 오랫동안 영어 번역과 교정을 하셨던 원어민 선생님과

현직에서 강사를 하고 있는 연구진들이 학생들을 위한

최상의 2015년 개정 영어 비상(홍민표) 3과 변형 문제를 선보입니다.

중간고사&기말고사 전에 더메이킹스(The Makings)에서

제작한 2015년 개정 영어 비상(홍민표) 3과 변형 문제로 마무리하세요.


정답 확인하러가기!



2015년 개정 영어 비상(홍민표) 3과 변형 문제 Contribute

2015년 개정 영어 비상(홍민표) 내신 문제, 고등교과서 내신 문제, 고등 변형문제, 고등영어자료, 비상 홍민표 교과서 문제, 비상 홍민표 자료, 비상 홍민표 내신문제






2015년 개정 영어 비상(홍민표) 3과 변형 문제

더 메이 킹스(The Makings)의 2015년 개정 영어 비상(홍민표) 3과 변형 문제는

총 10개의 유형으로 구성되어 있습니다. (40문제)


1. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/한글 선택지)

2. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/영어 선택지)

3. 중요 문장 영작(서술형)

4. 글 끼워넣기(객관식)

5. 어법(서술형)

6. 어색한 어휘 찾아내기(서술형)

7. 요약문 완성(서술형)

8. 빈칸 어휘 넣기(서술형)

9. 단락 순서 완성(객관식)

10. 주제문(객관식/영어 선택지)



더메이킹스(The Makings)가 제작한 2015년 개정 영어 비상(홍민표) 3과의 지문입니다.


1번 지문

“Going green” seems to be all the rage these days. Stores and companies use phrases like this to promote their businesses as eco-friendly. It makes sense to try to live in a way that does not harm the environment, but is it easy to go green? In your home, for example, do you always unplug your TV when you aren't watching it? Do stores in your neighborhood always keep their doors shut when the heaters or air conditioners are on? Probably not. Some innovators have taken on the challenge of “going green,” and have come up with some brilliant ideas to make “going green” easier and simpler.

Everyone has things that are no longer of any use, and chances are, those things will eventually get thrown away. However, some of the things that get thrown out are still useful to other people. Goedzak is a Dutch way of allowing people to get second-hand things that might otherwise be thrown away. It is a special garbage bag that can be filled with used, but still usable items. Placing the bag outside on the pavement makes whatever is in it available to anyone in the community. Goedzak's bright color attracts attention while the transparent side of the bag reveals its contents. People can help themselves to anything they like. What an idea! These transparent garbage containers have helped many Dutch people go greener by reducing the amount of trash going to landfills.



2번 지문

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, a third of global food production goes into trash bins annually. In Germany alone, around eleven million tons of food are wasted every year. Having been founded to tackle this problem on a local scale, the online platform, “foodsharing.de” allows extra food in your fridge or cupboard to be distributed to neighbors. The basic concept is simple: people sharing food. The only rule is not to pass anything on to others that you wouldn't eat yourself. This project may change the way people think about food: if food is not shared, it is wasted.

Using disposable cups may be convenient, but it is not necessarily eco-friendly. They are a massive source of waste. Every year, people in the U.S. use over 100 billion disposable cups, and Koreans dispose of over 15 billion cups each year. That's what drove a few novel designers to come up with edible coffee cups. A cookie forms the main structure, with a white chocolate layer on the inside and a thin layer of sugar paper on the outside. This structure allows you to drink coffee without finding yourself holding a soaked mess. You can think of it as a treat for coffee! You may have to consume extra sugar, but it will definitely create less waste.



3번 지문

What can you do to go green when you have 500 photocopies to make? Many green strategies focus on using less paper, like printing on both sides. Another green strategy is to use less ink, which is what many people already do. But what if you could take it a step further? That's what Ecofont is. A designer thought that if he could create fonts that have tiny holes in them, he might be able to make more efficient use of the amount of ink used. In fact, Ecofont uses about a fifth less ink than traditional fonts without ruining readability. The brilliance of Ecofont is the different perspective it takes on going green: the use of less ink by the font.

An eco-friendly way of life is not about changing the entire world overnight. It is about becoming aware of your own wasteful ways and then helping others become aware of theirs. After awareness comes the process of adopting slightly different ways of doing some daily tasks. When you do these things, you are keeping your environmental bank account full. When you go one step further and help others do them too, you are an activist and big changes can happen.


4번 지문

Every year thousands upon thousands of tons of electronics, from air conditioners to smartphones, are thrown out. This adds up to huge amounts of waste which has to be managed, especially for smaller countries like Korea. Is it possible that electronics waste is actually a resource? Like a mine in the ground, many people are beginning to think of electronics waste as "urban mines" because of the amount of gold, silver, copper, plastic, and steel that is waiting to be used again.

To manufacture electronics products, resources such as gold, silver, copper, glass, plastic, and steel must be mined, purchased, or produced. As resources become harder to get, urban mines may become a more economical solution. About one ton of rock must be dug up in a mine to get around five grams of gold; however, one ton of mobile phones may contain around 300 grams of gold, in addition to other recoverable materials. The potential value of urban mines increases when resources become expensive and waste is not recycled.

Although electronics waste may be seen from an economic point of view, there is another side to this story: the environmental issue. Recycling electronics waste can lower ecological damage from traditional mines and decrease air pollution from transporting materials over long distances. Moving forward does not always mean making new things; sometimes looking at an old problem from a new perspective is the simplest solution.





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