2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영)

6과 변형 문제

Reach Beyond Ourselves

2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 6과 변형 문제 Reach Beyond Ourselves


일반 워크북 형태의 문제에서 벗어나 The Makings가 만든

2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 6과 변형 문제는

출판사에서 오랫동안 영어 번역과 교정을 하셨던 원어민 선생님과

현직에서 강사를 하고 있는 연구진들이 학생들을 위한

최상의 2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 6과 변형 문제를 선보입니다.

사고력과 이해력을 요구하는 문제들로 내신 대비 뿐만이 아니라

수능도 한꺼번에 공부하실 수 있는 자료입니다.

중간고사&기말고사 전에 더메이킹스(The Makings)에서

제작한 2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 6과 변형 문제로 마무리 하세요.


정답 확인하러가기!



2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 6과 변형 문제 Reach Beyond Ourselves

2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 6과 변형 문제, 내신대비, 영어 내신자료,고등 영어자료, 고등영어 기출문제,천재 고등 영어자료,고등영어교과서문제, 천재 이재영 자료, 강남구고등학교영어자






The Makings의 2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 6과 최종 모의고사는

총 11개의 유형으로 구성되어 있습니다.


1. 글의 내용에 어울리지 않는 문장 고르기(객관식)

2. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/한글 선택지)

3. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/영어 선택지)

4. 글 끼어 넣기(객관식)

5. 어법(서술형)

6. 어휘(서술형)

7. 주제문(객관식/영어 선택지)

8. 어휘 빈칸 채우기(서술형)

9. 영작(서술형)

10. 요약문 완성하기(서술형)


더메이킹스(The Makings)가 제작한

2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 6과 변형 문제의 지문입니다.


1번 지문

Today we honour the Indigenous peoples of Australia, the oldest continuing cultures in human history. We reflect on how badly we, the Australian Government, treated them in the past. We reflect in particular on the mistreatment of those who were Stolen Generations - the darkest chapter in our nation's history. The time has now come for the nation to turn a new page in Australia's history by righting the wrongs of the past and so moving forward with confidence to the future. We apologise for the laws and policies of former parliaments and governments that caused deep pain and suffering on the Indigenous peoples. We apologise especially for the removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families, their communities, and their country. For the pain, suffering, and hurt of these Stolen Generations, their descendants, and their families left behind, we say sorry. To the mothers and the fathers, the brothers and the sisters, for the breaking up of families and communities, we say sorry. And for the suffering inflicted on the Aboriginal peoples and culture, we say sorry. We the Parliament of Australia respectfully request that this apology be received in the spirit in which it is offered - as part of the healing of the nation. Today, we take this first step toward the future by acknowledging the past and laying claim to a future that embraces all Australians.


2번 지문

Some have asked, "Why apologise?" Let me begin to answer by telling the parliament just a little of one person's story. Nanna Nungala Fejo was born in the late 1920s. She remembers her earliest childhood days living with her family and her community in a bush camp. She remembers the love, warmth, and happiness of those days long ago, including traditional dancing around the campfire at night. In 1932, when she was four, she remembers the coming of the welfare men. Her family had feared that day and had dug holes in the river bank where the children could run and hide. What her family had not expected was that the white welfare men did not come alone. They brought a truck, two white men, and an Aboriginal stockman on horseback with a whip. The kids were found; they ran, screaming for their mothers, but they could not get away. They were piled onto the back of the truck. Tears flowing, her mum tried clinging to the sides of the truck as her children were taken away in the name of protection. Nanna Fejo's is just one story. There are thousands, tens of thousands, of them. These are stories of forced separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their mums and dads over the better part of a century. Some of these stories are told in the report, Bringing them home. They are terrible stories. The pain is torturous; it screams from the pages. The brutal act of physically separating a mother from her children is a deep assault on our basic humanity.


3번 지문

These stories cry out to be heard; they cry out for an apology. Instead, from the nation's parliament there has been a stubborn and complete silence for much too long. There has been a view that we, the parliament, should suspend our most basic instincts of what is right and what is wrong; a view that, instead, Parliament should look for any excuse to push this great wrong to one side and to leave it with the historians and the academics, as if the Stolen Generations are little more than an interesting sociological phenomenon. But the Stolen Generations are not intellectual curiosities. They are human beings; human beings who have been damaged deeply by the decisions of parliaments and governments. But, as of today, the time for denial and delay has come to an end. The nation is demanding that its political leadership take us forward. Decency, human decency, universal human decency, demands that the nation now step forward to right a historical wrong. That is what we are doing in this place today. Let us turn this page together, Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, government and opposition, Commonwealth and state, and write this new chapter in our nation's story together. Let us grasp this opportunity to craft new future for this great land, Australia.


2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영)

5과 변형 문제

ICT In Our Lives

2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 5과 변형 문제 ICT In Our Lives


일반 워크북 형태의 문제에서 벗어나 The Makings가 만든

2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 5과 변형 문제는

출판사에서 오랫동안 영어 번역과 교정을 하셨던 원어민 선생님과

현직에서 강사를 하고 있는 연구진들이 학생들을 위한 최상의

2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 5과 변형 문제를 선보입니다.

사고력과 이해력을 요구하는 문제들로 내신 대비 뿐만이 아니라

수능도 한꺼번에 공부하실 수 있는 자료입니다.

중간고사&기말고사 전에 더메이킹스(The Makings)에서 제작한

2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 5과 변형 문제로 마무리 하세요.


정답 확인하러가기!



2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 5과 변형 문제 ICT In Our Lives

2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 5과 변형 문제, 내신대비, 영어 내신자료,고등 영어자료, 고등영어 기출문제,천재 고등 영어자료,고등영어교과서문제, 천재 이재영 자료, 강남구고등학교영어자





The Makings의 2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 5과 최종 모의고사는

총 11개의 유형으로 구성되어 있습니다.


1. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/영어 선택지)

2. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/한글 선택지)

3. 전체 글의 내용과 일치 하지 않은 문장 찾기

4. 글 끼어 넣기(객관식)

5. 어법(서술형)

6. 어휘(서술형)

7. 주제문(객관식/영어 선택지)

8. 어휘 빈칸 채우기(서술형)

9. 영작(서술형)

10. 요약문 완성하기(서술형)

11. 글 다시 쓰기




더메이킹스(The Makings)가 제작한

2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 5과 변형 문제의 지문입니다.


1번 지문

Drones, small unmanned aerial vehicles, do many jobs on a farm. One of these is to survey fields. Survey drones have GPS-controlled autopilots that let them take off, fly their routes, and land by themselves. They are also equipped with many cameras that take pictures of the fields from the air. As the drones fly, they take pictures from different angles and with different lenses. The images are then analyzed to check for weed growth, ground moisture, and soil conditions. Especially, when drones take pictures with infrared lenses, which sense heat, they can see if plants are healthy or not - because healthy and unhealthy plants give off different amounts of heat. This information helps farmers take care of their crops better, thus increasing the quality and quantity of production.


2번 지문

An army of agribots, small autonomous robots designed for agricultural purposes, replaces human workers for a wide range of tasks. In general, agribots tend crops, and each of them is highly specialized for weeding, fertilizing, harvesting, or other farm work. Agribots have many benefits. For example, weeding robots can reduce the amount of pollution caused by herbicide use. Fertilizing robots can greatly reduce fertilizer costs by precisely applying the correct amount of fertilizer in the correct location. Using 3D imaging cameras, harvesting robots can pick fruits and vegetables without damaging them. Most importantly, agribots can operate 24/7, 365 days a year, solving the shortage of farm labor while increasing the speed and accuracy of the work.


3번 지문

Although agribots are widely used in all the important functions of farming, tractors are still needed for many large-scale and heavy-load tasks. Nowadays, they are evolving into self-driving vehicles. Smart tractors are equipped with GPS controls. They also have optimized route planning software which recommends the shortest route across the field. This can minimize soil erosion by ensuring that all farm tractors follow the same tracks. In addition, the self-driving tractors are accurate down to the millimeter. This means that they can plant seeds in the correct place and harvest crops with no unnecessary movements. Besides, they can reduce crop damage and other losses caused by human drivers going off track and into the crops. These smart, self-driving vehicles can also operate during low visibility conditions such as rain, dust, fog, and darkness.


4번 지문

Sensors attached to cows check their temperature, movement, behavior, and so on. When changes are observed, the sensors send a message to the farmer's phone or computer. For example, these sensors are being used to detect if an animal's back legs begin to lower, which is one of the first signs of illness. They can also sense if a cow is pregnant. This technology saves farmers dozens of hours a week that would otherwise be spent closely monitoring each cow. It also saves money for vets' bills by allowing farmers to deal with cows' illnesses before they get too serious. It goes without saying that using sensors to monitor the health of individual cows lets them live longer, healthier lives, and also improves milk production.


5번 지문

Smart farms take all the information from drones and animal sensors and collect it in the cloud. The information can be analyzed and then presented to farmers in a practical way. Based on the analyzed data, the farmers make informed decisions about an animal, a field, or the entire farm. The farmers' decisions are programmed into agribots and smart tractors immediately. The more data there are about conditions on the farm, the more accurate the decisions will be, making the farm more efficient and profitable. In a world with fewer food resources, but with more people to feed, ICT-based agriculture can help humankind address the challenges of the future. The amount of food produced can be maximized, while the impact on the environment can be minimized through the efficient use of people, equipment, and information. The future of agriculture depends on the smart use of ICT.문



2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영)

4과 변형 문제

Bring Literature Into Your Life

2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 4과 변형 문제 Bring Literature Into Your Life


일반 워크북 형태의 문제에서 벗어나 The Makings가 만든

2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 4과 변형 문제는

출판사에서 오랫동안 영어 번역과 교정을 하셨던 원어민 선생님과

현직에서 강사를 하고 있는 연구진들이 학생들을 위한

최상의 2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 4과 변형 문제를 선보입니다.

사고력과 이해력을 요구하는 문제들로 내신 대비 뿐만이 아니라

수능도 한꺼번에 공부하실 수 있는 자료입니다.

중간고사&기말고사 전에 더메이킹스(The Makings)에서 제작한

2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 4과 변형 문제로 마무리 하세요.


정답 확인하러가기!



2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 4과 변형 문제 Bring Literature Into Your Life

2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 4과 변형 문제, 내신대비, 영어 내신자료,고등 영어자료, 고등영어 기출문제,천재 고등 영어자료,고등영어교과서문제, 천재 이재영 자료, 강남구고등학교영어자





The Makings의 2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 4과 최종 모의고사는

총 11개의 유형으로 구성되어 있습니다.


1. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/영어 선택지)

2. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/한글 선택지)

3. 전체 글의 내용과 일치 하지 않은 문장 찾기

4. 글 끼어 넣기(객관식)

5. 어법(서술형)

6. 어휘(서술형)

7. 주제문(객관식/영어 선택지)

8. 어휘 빈칸 채우기(서술형)

9. 영작(서술형)

10. 요약문 완성하기(서술형)

11. 글 다시 쓰기



더메이킹스(The Makings)가 제작한

2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 4과 변형 문제의 지문입니다.


1번 지문

Tree-ear bowed low. As he bent down, his courage suddenly fled, leaving his knees as weak as grass. I must be hungry, he thought as he straightened his body, ashamed that he could think of such a thing at such a moment. "You are here from Julpo. From Potter Min," the emissary stated. "Yes, honorable sir." The emissary waited. "Well?" he said. "Where is the work?" Tree-ear swallowed hard. "Sir, on my way here, I was attacked by robbers. They - they destroyed my master's work -" The assistant stepped forward in anger. "How dare you, fool! How dare you demand to meet the emissary with nothing to show him!" He grabbed Tree-ear's arm to pull him out the door. The weakness in Tree-ear's knees spread through his whole body. The assistant was right. He had been a fool. First, he was a failure, now he was a fool. But the emissary had risen to his feet and gestured at his assistant, who stepped back. "I am greatly disappointed," Emissary Gim said. "I have been looking forward to seeing Potter Min's work again."


2번 지문

Tree-ear hung his head. "Humblest apologies to the honorable emissary," he mumbled. Slowly, he took the shard from his waist pouch. He drew in a deep breath and looked down at the shard before he spoke. It looked odd, wrapped in clay. But the inlay work was still delicate and clear, the glaze still fine and pure. Seeing it gave Tree-ear a last pulse of courage. "It is only a piece, honorable Emissary. And yet, I believe that it shows all of my master's skill." And with both hands, he held it out for the emissary. The emissary looked surprised but accepted the offering. He inspected it carefully. He took off the wrapping of clay and looked carefully at the edges of the shard. Then Emissary Gim sat down at his table again. He chose one of the scrolls in front of him, picked up his brush, and began writing. Tree-ear stood with his head bowed to hide tears of shame. Obviously, the emissary had already moved on to other business, but it would be rude for Tree-ear to leave before he had been dismissed. He wondered if he should take back the shard, which the emissary had placed carefully on the table.


3번 지문

In his despair, Tree-ear still felt grateful - grateful that the emissary had not laughed in his face for the stupidity of traveling all that way with only a single shard to show. At his side he heard the assistant gasp in surprise. The emissary had called the man and was showing him the scroll. "Go. See that it is done," said the emissary. "Master -" The assistant hesitated. "How is it that a commission can be awarded without seeing the work?" The man's polite words could not hide the disapproval in his voice. "I understand your skepticism," the emissary answered patiently. "But I have seen this man's work, in Julpo and again here." He bent and picked up the shard from the table. "Do you see this? 'Glow of jade and clarity of water' - that is what is said about the finest celadon glaze. It is said of very few pieces." He paused for a moment and held the shard up before him. "It is true of this one. And the inlay work is remarkable." His voice faded for a moment as he gazed in obvious admiration at the shard. Then he handed the scroll to the assistant. "Now, go and do as I ask you." The assistant bowed quickly and left.


4번 지문

Emissary Gim looked at Tree-ear. There was kindness in his eyes - like Crane-man's. "I have written orders for him to secure your trip back to Julpo by sea," he said. "You will go and deliver a message to your master for me. I am assigning him a commission. Tell me, have you worked for Potter Min long?" Tree-ear was stunned by the man's words, spoken in such a calm, ordinary voice. Through his disbelief and confusion, he heard himself answer, "A year and a half, honorable sir." "Good. Then perhaps you can tell me - for your master to do his best work, how many pieces per year might I expect from him?" Concentrating on the answer to the emissary's question helped steady Tree-ear. "I think ten. Not fewer, but I don't think he can make many more." He looked up and spoke with quiet pride, "My master works slowly." The emissary nodded slowly, "He must. We need his best work." He bowed his head to Tree-ear, "If you have need of shelter here in Songdo, my assistant will see to it that you are housed and fed until the boat sails. Your coming is greatly appreciated." Tree-ear wanted to laugh, to cry, to throw his arms around the emissary and dance wildly around the room. Instead, he bowed all the way to the ground. He could not speak but prayed that the emissary understood his silent thanks. There were some things that could not be put into words.



2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영)

3과 변형 문제

Future of Money

2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 3과 변형 문제 Future of Money

일반 워크북 형태의 문제에서 벗어나 The Makings가 만든

2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 3과 변형 문제는

출판사에서 오랫동안 영어 번역과 교정을 하셨던 원어민 선생님과

현직에서 강사를 하고 있는 연구진들이 학생들을 위한 최상의

2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 3과 변형 문제를 선보입니다.

사고력과 이해력을 요구하는 문제들로 내신 대비 뿐만이 아니라

수능도 한꺼번에 공부하실 수 있는 자료입니다.

중간고사&기말고사 전에 더메이킹스(The Makings)에서

제작한 2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 3과 변형 문제로 마무리 하세요.


정답 확인하러가기!





대표사진 삭제링크

2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 3과 변형 문제 Future of Money


The Makings의 2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 3과 최종 모의고사는

총 10개의 유형으로 구성되어 있습니다.


1. 빈칸 채우기(객관식)

2. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/한글 선택지)

3. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/영어 선택지)

4. 글 끼어 넣기(객관식)

5. 어법(서술형)

6. 어휘(서술형)

7. 주제문(객관식/영어 선택지)

8. 어휘 빈칸 채우기(서술형)

9. 영작(서술형)

10. 요약문 완성하기(서술형)



더메이킹스(The Makings)가 제작한

2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 3과 변형 문제의 지문입니다.


1번 지문

Taein: How did you pay your bus fare this morning? By cash or card? In 2016, the Bank of Korea conducted a survey on the most preferred payment method. It turned out that more than 75 percent of Korean people preferred to use credit and debit cards, and only 22.8 percent preferred to use cash. Some countries are even proposing a cash-free policy, in which cash is not used at all. What do you think about replacing cash with electronic payment systems? Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages.

Jina: I definitely think a cashless society will bring us a lot of benefits. Above all, its number one advantage is convenience. Imagine that you live in a cashless world. You don't have to carry cash with you anywhere. Next, you won't be worried that your cash will be stolen. Also, you'll avoid collecting change because you can pay the exact amount through an e-payment. For example, imagine that you want to buy an ice cream for 1,150 won, and you only have a 10,000 won bill, then you'll get 8,850 won in change. What a burden to carry all that change! In a cashless world, you'll never have this trouble again.

Taein: Thanks for sharing your opinion, Jina. In short, Jina considers convenience to be the main advantage of a cashless world. Sumi, what do you think about Jina's opinion?


2번 지문

umi: I agree with Jina. There is no denying the convenience of e-payments in a cashless world. However, we should also think about others who might not benefit from this type of system. The other day, I read a newspaper article. One expert warned that changing to an e-payment system can bring about "exclusion." He claimed that a cash-free society pressures all people to belong to a bank and be part of a financial system. But in such a society, the tech-unfriendly can be excluded from the financial system. For example, elderly people who are not used to e-payment systems may not be able to use these systems. Last week, I tried to teach my 80-year-old grandmother how to buy something with her smartphone, but she had trouble following my instructions. My grandmother said that learning how to use an e-payment system is not as easy as using cash.

Taein: Thanks. Sumi is worried that some groups of people may not be able to participate in a cashless economy. Any other opinions?

Dohun: I understand Sumi's concerns and worries about a cashless economy. By replacing coins and bills, however, e-payment systems can reduce or even eliminate the huge cost of producing money every year. The Bank of Korea reported that, in 2016, it spent a total of approximately 150 billion won making coins and bills. If we eliminate this cost by adopting e-payment systems, we can allocate the money we save toward other programs, like improving social welfare for people.

Taein: Dohun stated that using e-payment systems will save the government a lot of money. So far, Jina and Dohun have pointed out the advantages of a cashless society while Sumi has shown some problems with it. Are there any other concerns regarding a cashless world?


3번 지문

Minsu: I'm concerned about the security of a cashless economy. If an e-payment system gets hacked in a cashless world, not only our personal data but also our money can be stolen. For example, in 2016, a bank in the UK froze its online operations because 40,000 accounts had been hacked. But the freeze occurred only after 20,000 customers had lost money from their accounts. Back in 2013, a criminal group penetrated more than 100 banks' internal computers. They transferred millions of dollars from banks in Russia, Japan, Switzerland, the United States, and the Netherlands into dummy accounts set up in other countries.

Taein: That's a good point. Thanks, Minsu. Now, we must conclude today's discussion about the pros and cons of a cashless society. Some of you mentioned that a cashless economy will provide convenience and cost-savings, but others raised concerns about difficulties for tech-unfriendly people and the lack of security. In addition to these, there may be other advantages and disadvantages to a cashless society. What is your opinion? I hope that today's discussion has made you more aware of the positive and negative aspects of living in a cashless society.



2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영)

2과 변형 문제

Discover Cultures Around the World

2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 2과 변형 문제 Discover Cultures Around the World

일반 워크북 형태의 문제에서 벗어나 The Makings가 만든

2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 2과 변형 문제는

출판사에서 오랫동안 영어 번역과 교정을 하셨던 원어민 선생님과

현직에서 강사를 하고 있는 연구진들이 학생들을 위한

최상의 2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 2과 변형 문제를 선보입니다.

사고력과 이해력을 요구하는 문제들로 내신 대비 뿐만이 아니라

수능도 한꺼번에 공부하실 수 있는 자료입니다.

중간고사&기말고사 전에 더메이킹스(The Makings)에서 제작한

2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 2과 변형 문제로 마무리 하세요.


정답 확인하러가기!





2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 2과 변형 문제 Discover Cultures Around the World

The Makings의 2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 2과 최종 모의고사는

총 10개의 유형으로 구성되어 있습니다.


1. 빈칸 채우기(객관식)

2. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/한글 선택지)

3. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/영어 선택지)

4. 글 끼어 넣기(객관식)

5. 어법(서술형)

6. 어휘(서술형)

7. 주제문(객관식/영어 선택지)

8. 어휘 빈칸 채우기(서술형)

9. 영작(서술형)

10. 요약문 완성하기(서술형)


더메이킹스(The Makings)가 제작한 2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영)

2과 변형 문제의 지문입니다.


1번 지문

The Kingdom of Morocco, located in the northwest corner of North Africa, is a place where the cultures of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East combine. Morocco also enfolds a fascinating and magnificent desert. Each year millions of people visit Morocco to enjoy its exotic and unusual culture, and to view its beautiful scenery. Why don't we see what Morocco has for visitors?

Do you want to walk down a medieval street? Then Fez is the right place for you. Fez was the medieval capital of Morocco and the place where Moroccan culture began to prosper. Medieval traditions have remained unchanged here for centuries. In particular, the Medina of Fez, an old section of the city, has kept its architecture and style the way it was 1,200 years ago.

What makes the Medina of Fez more special is the world's largest and most complicated labyrinth. Nearly 9,000 narrow alleys are entangled in one another without any pattern or logic, and sometimes you may reach a dead end. As you wander the alleys in the Medina of Fez, you can see an endless view of markets with roofs, old mosques, palaces, and dyeing factories. Cars are not allowed in these narrow and crooked alleys, so you can easily come across mules or donkeys carrying goods.


2번 지문

Bab Boujloud, a landmark of Fez, is the main entrance into the Medina of Fez. The side that greets new visitors is painted elegant blue. The reverse side, which faces the Medina, is painted green. When you pass through the blue gate, you feel like you are traveling from modern to medieval times.

Ifrane is a town that has a different feel from every other town in Morocco. Walking through Ifrane, you can see European style houses, blooming flower beds, and parks. In addition, there are many ski resorts in this town because it snows a lot in winter. That is why Ifrane is often referred to as "Morocco's Switzerland." Just thinking of skiing in Africa makes this town a much more attractive city.

Morocco is one of the places where you can marvel at the beauty of the Sahara Desert. The best way to do this is to ride a camel toward the middle of the desert. Lines of sand shaped by the wind with shadows cast over them are very beautiful, but the highlights are the sunset and the night sky. In the setting sun, you can see an amazing show. The dunes change color from gold to orange, pink, and purple. And, before dawn, the Milky Way and shooting stars shine and dance overhead. As you look up at the night sky in the desert, you feel that an infinite number of stars are falling. When you visit Morocco, don't miss the Sahara adventure.


3번 지문

Don't forget to try the best-known traditional Moroccan dish, tagine. A tagine is a rich stew of meat, chicken, or fish with spice, most often including vegetables or fruit. The tagine is commonly served with couscous or thick pieces of bread which are used to scoop up the meat and vegetables.

Interestingly, a tagine is named after the traditional cookware in which it is cooked. The cookware, tagine, consists of two parts: a circular base unit and a large cone-shaped cover. The cover allows steam to circulate during cooking, which keeps the food moist. This cooking method is very practical in areas where water supplies are limited.

One thing you must drink in Morocco is mint tea. Mint tea is a national beverage in Morocco. It is served at meal times and throughout the day in a silver pot with a matching set of tea glasses. It is not just a drink in Morocco. It is considered a sign of Moroccan hospitality and friendship. So, refusing any mint tea offered to you would be perceived as impolite.

Don't you want to feel the taste of Morocco, drinking mint tea at an open air cafe in the Medina of Fez? Surely you will feel part of the magnificent African country by the time your cup is empty.





2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영)

1과 변형 문제

2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 1과 변형 문제


일반 워크북 형태의 문제에서 벗어나 The Makings가 만든

2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 1과 변형 문제는

출판사에서 오랫동안 영어 번역과 교정을 하셨던 원어민 선생님과

현직에서 강사를 하고 있는 연구진들이 학생들을 위한

최상의 2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 1과 변형 문제를 선보입니다.

사고력과 이해력을 요구하는 문제들로 내신 대비 뿐만이 아니라

수능도 한꺼번에 공부하실 수 있는 자료입니다.

중간고사&기말고사 전에 더메이킹스(The Makings)에서 제작한

2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 1과 변형 문제로 마무리 하세요.


정답 확인 하러가기!



2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 1과 변형 문제

2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 1과 변형 문제, 내신대비, 영어 내신자료,고등 영어자료, 고등영어 기출문제,금성 고등 영어자료,고등영어교과서문제




2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 1과 변형 문제



The Makings의 2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 1과 최종 모의고사는 총 10개의 유형으로 구성되어 있습니다.


1. 빈칸 채우기(객관식)

2. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/한글 선택지)

3. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/영어 선택지)

4. 글 끼어 넣기(객관식)

5. 어법(서술형)

6. 어휘(서술형)

7. 주제문(객관식/영어 선택지)

8. 어휘 빈칸 채우기(서술형)

9. 영작(서술형)

10. 요약문 완성하기(서술형)




더메이킹스(The Makings)가 제작한 2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 1과 변형 문제의 지문입니다.


1번 지문

You Are Cordially Invited!


D-14 Starting a discussion about theClass Event Day

Our school has a Class Event Day once a year. Today we had a class meeting and discussed what we would do for the Class Event Day this year. We were talking about the food we would make as we did the previous year and I immediately got bored. What difference does it make? It's just a meal.

Just then, Jiwon raised his hand and suggested doing a class project in which we express gratitude to the people who work for us. He named it A Day to Express Gratitude. This was unheard of! He did not have a specific plan, but many of us were interested. We spent some time thinking about people who deserved extra thanks. Somin said that we need to identify the hidden heroes in our school — the people who dedicate each day to making our school a better place. We could not come to a conclusion before the bell rang.


2번 지문


D-11 Looking for hidden heroes in our school

During lunch break, we discussed whom to thank. Jiwon said, "What about holding an event for the crossing guard?" Yeri said, "I recommend the repair person who usually fixes all the appliances in our school." I added, "I want to express gratitude to the food service workers. They're in charge of cooking and serving our lunch every day. There are about 700 students in our school and I don't think it's easy to prepare such a large amount of food."

Some students wanted to hold an event for every hidden hero, but that was unrealistic. We decided to narrow down the candidates. We argued for a while and everyone agreed to accept the majority decision. Almost all of my classmates chose the food service workers!


3번 지문


D-9 Talking about what to do

We talked about what we needed for our class event. We agreed to write a thank-you card for the food service workers. Also, we thought it would be nice to make some food for them because they always cook for us. Yeri quickly said she would make sandwiches with some friends. "But how can we give them the thank-you card and sandwiches?" I asked. A variety of great ideas followed.

"Why don't we invite them into our classroom?"

"Then, we need to decorate the room!"

"How can we get them here?"

"How about inviting them with a flash mob during lunch time? And some of us will bring them later."

Somin concluded, "Good! Let's make three groups: Sandwiches, Decorations, and Flash Mob." I decided to join the Flash Mob. It seemed cool and interesting!


4번 지문

Thursday, May 30

D-1 Conducting the final check

It is finally tomorrow. Jiwon got the big card ready on which we wrote thank-you notes to the hidden heroes. Yeri and her group members tried several recipes and prepared all the ingredients to make delicious sandwiches. Some artistic classmates made a poster with a drawing of our special guests and put it on the blackboard with a thank-you banner. Our flash mob practice has entered its final stretch. We made placards for our performance and prepared chants. The biggest problem was me! Every time we practiced, I was so nervous that I missed the timing. I hope I can do it properly tomorrow.


5번 지문


D-day Celebrating the Class Event Day

This was an unforgettable day! The flash mob we staged at lunch time was awesome! We were eating lunch as usual, so nobody noticed that we had prepared this surprising invitation. One by one we sprang up from our seats, holding up each placard, and shouted the words on it: "Thank you for making delicious food for us!" Then we delivered the invitation to the food service workers.

Two hours later, a few classmates brought our heroes. When they entered the classroom, they looked puzzled by the decorations. After guiding them to their seats, Jiwon gave them the thank-you card. They read the card and smiled brightly. They said "Thank you" and ate the sandwiches.

It was difficult to prepare this project, but we cooperated well, organized ourselves, and made it successful. More importantly, participating in A Day to Express Gratitude made me realize there are unseen people who help me every day. I will remember to express my gratitude to them from now on. My classmates also seemed to learn a lot from the project.

"I was moved when they thanked us."

"The little things we say and do leave a great impression on others."

"I thought it was a waste of time at first. Now I think we should try to do nice things for other people. It makes them smile, which is good for us, too."



2015년 개정 영어 II 천재(이재영) 1과 변형 문제, 내신대비, 영어 내신자료,고등 영어자료, 고등영어 기출문제,금성 고등 영어자료,고등영어교과서문제




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