2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사

변형 문제 3

2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 3

일반 워크북 형태의 문제에서 벗어나 The Makings가 만든

2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 3

출판사에서 오랫동안 영어 번역과 교정을 하셨던 원어민 선생님과

현직에서 강사를 하고 있는 연구진들이 학생들을 위한 최상의

2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 3 을 선보입니다.

사고력과 이해력을 요구하는 문제들로 내신 대비 뿐만이 아니라

수능도 한꺼번에 공부하실 수 있는 자료입니다.

중간고사&기말고사 전에 더메이킹스(The Makings)에서

제작한 2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제로 마무리 하세요.


정답 확인하러 가기!



2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 3

2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제, 내신대비, 영어내신자료,고등영어자료, 모의고사 변형문제,전국 연합모의고사 변형자료, 모의고사 영어 서술형 대비, 대치동 고등 영어자료, 대치





2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 3

The Makings의 2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사

변형 문제는 총 11개의 유형으로 구성되어 있습니다.

1. 빈칸 채우기(객관식)

2. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/한글 선택지)

3. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/영어 선택지)

4. 글 끼어 넣기(객관식)

5. 어법(서술형)

6. 어휘(서술형)

7. 주제문(객관식/영어 선택지)

8. 어휘 빈칸 채우기(서술형)

9. 영작(서술형)

10. 요약문 완성하기(서술형)

11. 문단 재배열 하기(객관식)


더메이킹스(The Makings)가 제작한

2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 3의 지문입니다.


1번 지문(문항 번호 33번)

As well as making sense of events through narratives, historians in the ancient world established the tradition of history as a source of moral lessons and reflections. The history writing of Livy or Tacitus, for instance, was in part designed to examine the behavior of heroes and villains, meditating on the strengths and weaknesses in the characters of emperors and generals, providing exemplars for the virtuous to imitate or avoid. This continues to be one of the functions of history. French chronicler Jean Froissart said he had written his accounts of chivalrous knights fighting in the Hundred Years' War "so that brave men should be inspired thereby to follow such examples." Today, historical studies of Lincoln, Churchill, Gandhi, or Martin Luther King, Jr. perform the same function.


2번 지문(문항 번호 34번)

Psychologist Christopher Bryan finds that when we shift our emphasis from behavior to character, people evaluate choices differently. His team was able to cut cheating in half: instead of "Please don't cheat," they changed the appeal to "Please don't be a cheater." When you're urged not to cheat, you can do it and still see an ethical person in the mirror. But when you're told not to be a cheater, the act casts a shadow; immorality is tied to your identity, making the behavior much less attractive. Cheating is an isolated action that gets evaluated with the logic of consequence: Can I get away with it? Being a cheater evokes a sense of self, triggering the logic of appropriateness: What kind of person am I, and who do I want to be? In light of this evidence, Bryan suggests that we should embrace nouns more thoughtfully. "Don't Drink and Drive" could be rephrased as: "Don't Be a Drunk Driver." The same thinking can be applied to originality. When a child draws a picture, instead of calling the artwork creative, we can say "You are creative."


3번 지문(문항 번호 35번)

Taking a stand is important because you become a beacon for those individuals who are your people, your tribe, and your audience. When you raise your viewpoint up like a flag, people know where to find you; it becomes a rallying point. Displaying your perspective lets prospective (and current) customers know that you don't just sell your products or services. The best marketing is never just about selling a product or service, but about taking a stand ― showing an audience why they should believe in what you're marketing enough to want it at any cost, simply because they agree with what you're doing. Products can be changed or adjusted if they aren't functioning, but rallying points align with the values and meaning behind what you do.


4번 지문(문항 번호 36번)

If DNA were the only thing that mattered, there would be no particular reason to build meaningful social programs to pour good experiences into children and protect them from bad experiences. But brains require the right kind of environment if they are to correctly develop. When the first draft of the Human Genome Project came to completion at the turn of the millennium, one of the great surprises was that humans have only about twenty thousand genes. This number came as a surprise to biologists: given the complexity of the brain and the body, it had been assumed that hundreds of thousands of genes would be required. So how does the massively complicated brain, with its eighty‐six billion neurons, get built from such a small recipe book? The answer relies on a clever strategy implemented by the genome: build incompletely and let world experience refine.




2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사

변형 문제 2

2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2

일반 워크북 형태의 문제에서 벗어나 The Makings가 만든  

2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2

출판사에서 오랫동안 영어 번역과 교정을 하셨던 원어민 선생님과

현직에서 강사를 하고 있는 연구진들이 학생들을 위한 최상의

2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2 를 선보입니다.

사고력과 이해력을 요구하는 문제들로 내신 대비 뿐만이 아니라

수능도 한꺼번에 공부하실 수 있는 자료입니다.

중간고사&기말고사 전에 더메이킹스(The Makings)에서 제작한

2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제로 마무리 하세요.


정답 확인 하러가기!



2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2

2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제, 내신대비, 영어내신자료,고등영어자료, 모의고사 변형문제,전국 연합모의고사 변형자료, 모의고사 영어 서술형 대비, 대치동 고등 영어자료, 대치




2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2

The Makings의 2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제는

총 11개의 유형으로 구성되어 있습니다.

1. 빈칸 채우기(객관식)

2. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/한글 선택지)

3. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/영어 선택지)

4. 글 끼어 넣기(객관식)

5. 어법(서술형)

6. 어휘(서술형)

7. 주제문(객관식/영어 선택지)

8. 어휘 빈칸 채우기(서술형)

9. 영작(서술형)

10. 요약문 완성하기(서술형)

11. 문단 재배열 하기(객관식)



더메이킹스(The Makings)가 제작한 2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사

변형 문제 2의 지문입니다.


1번 지문(문항 번호 29번)

By noticing the relation between their own actions and resultant external changes, infants develop self‐efficacy, a sense that they are agents of the perceived changes. Although infants can notice the effect of their behavior on the physical environment, it is in early social interactions that infants most readily perceive the consequence of their actions. People have perceptual characteristics that virtually assure that infants will orient toward them. They have visually contrasting and moving faces. They produce sound, provide touch, and have interesting smells. In addition, people engage with infants by exaggerating their facial expressions and inflecting their voices in ways that infants find fascinating. But most importantly, these antics are responsive to infants' vocalizations, facial expressions, and gestures; people vary the pace and level of their behavior in response to infant actions. Consequentially, early social interactions provide a context where infants can easily notice the effect of their behavior.


2번 지문(문항 번호 30번)

Adam Smith pointed out that specialization, where each of us focuses on one specific skill, leads to a general improvement of everybody's well‐being. The idea is simple and powerful. By specializing in just one activity ― such as food raising, clothing production, or home construction ― each worker gains mastery over the particular activity. Specialization makes sense, however, only if the specialist can subsequently trade his or her output with the output of specialists in other lines of activity. It would make no sense to produce more food than a household needs unless there is a market outlet to exchange that scarce food for clothing, shelter, and so forth. At the same time, without the ability to buy food on the market, it would not be possible to be a specialist home builder or clothing maker, since it would be necessary to farm for one's own survival. Thus Smith realized that the division of labor is limited by the extent of the market, whereas the extent of the market is determined by the degree of specialization.


3번 지문(문항 번호 31번)

It is not the peasant's goal to produce the highest possible time‐averaged crop yield, averaged over many years. If your time‐averaged yield is marvelously high as a result of the combination of nine great years and one year of crop failure, you will still starve to death in that one year of crop failure before you can look back to congratulate yourself on your great time-averaged yield. Instead, the peasant's aim is to make sure to produce a yield above the starvation level in every single year, even though the time-averaged yield may not be highest. That's why field scattering may make sense. If you have just one big field, no matter how good it is on the average, you will starve when the inevitable occasional year arrives in which your one field has a low yield. But if you have many different fields, varying independently of each other, then in any given year some of your fields will produce well even when your other fields are producing poorly.


4번 지문(문항 번호 32번)

There are several reasons why support may not be effective. One possible reason is that receiving help could be a blow to self‐esteem. A recent study by Christopher Burke and Jessica Goren at Lehigh University examined this possibility. According to the threat to self-esteem model, help can be perceived as supportive and loving, or it can be seen as threatening if that help is interpreted as implying incompetence. According to Burke and Goren, support is especially likely to be seen as threatening if it is in an area that is self‐relevant or self-defining ― that is, in an area where your own success and achievement are especially important. Receiving help with a self-relevant task can make you feel bad about yourself, and this can undermine the potential positive effects of the help. For example, if your self‐concept rests, in part, on your great cooking ability, it may be a blow to your ego when a friend helps you prepare a meal for guests because it suggests that you're not the master chef you thought you were.




2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사

변형 문제 1

2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 1

일반 워크북 형태의 문제에서 벗어나 The Makings가 만든  

2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 1

출판사에서 오랫동안 영어 번역과 교정을 하셨던 원어민 선생님과

현직에서 강사를 하고 있는 연구진들이 학생들을 위한

최상의 2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 1 을 선보입니다.

사고력과 이해력을 요구하는 문제들로 내신 대비 뿐만이 아니라

수능도 한꺼번에 공부하실 수 있는 자료입니다.

중간고사&기말고사 전에 더메이킹스(The Makings)에서 제작한

2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제로 마무리 하세요.


정답 확인 하러가기!



2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 1

2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제, 내신대비, 영어내신자료,고등영어자료, 모의고사 변형문제,전국 연합모의고사 변형자료, 모의고사 영어 서술형 대비, 대치동 고등 영어자료, 대치




2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 1

The Makings의 2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제는

총 11개의 유형으로 구성되어 있습니다.

1. 빈칸 채우기(객관식)

2. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/한글 선택지)

3. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/영어 선택지)

4. 글 끼어 넣기(객관식)

5. 어법(서술형)

6. 어휘(서술형)

7. 주제문(객관식/영어 선택지)

8. 어휘 빈칸 채우기(서술형)

9. 영작(서술형)

10. 요약문 완성하기(서술형)

11. 문단 재배열 하기(객관식)


더메이킹스(The Makings)가 제작한  

2022년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 1의 지문입니다.


1번 지문(문항 번호 20번)

We usually take time out only when we really need to switch off, and when this happens we are often overtired, sick, and in need of recuperation. Me time is complicated by negative associations with escapism, guilt, and regret as well as overwhelm, stress, and fatigue. All these negative connotations mean we tend to steer clear of it. Well, I am about to change your perception of the importance of me time, to persuade you that you should view it as vital for your health and wellbeing. Take this as permission to set aside some time for yourself! Our need for time in which to do what we choose is increasingly urgent in an overconnected, overwhelmed, and overstimulated world.


2번 지문(문항 번호 21번)

Perhaps worse than attempting to get the bad news out of the way is attempting to soften it or simply not address it at all. This "Mum Effect" ― a term coined by psychologists Sidney Rosen and Abraham Tesser in the early 1970s ― happens because people want to avoid becoming the target of others' negative emotions. We all have the opportunity to lead change, yet it often requires of us the courage to deliver bad news to our superiors. We don't want to be the innocent messenger who falls before a firing line. When our survival instincts kick in, they can override our courage until the truth of a situation gets watered down. "The Mum Effect and the resulting filtering can have devastating effects in a steep hierarchy," writes Robert Sutton, an organizational psychologist. "What starts out as bad news becomes happier and happier as it travels up the ranks ― because after each boss hears the news from his or her subordinates, he or she makes it sound a bit less bad before passing it up the chain."


3번 지문(문항 번호 22번)

Most parents think that if our child would just "behave," we could stay calm as parents. The truth is that managing our own emotions and actions is what allows us to feel peaceful as parents. Ultimately we can't control our children or the obstacles they will face ― but we can always control our own actions. Parenting isn't about what our child does, but about how we respond. In fact, most of what we call parenting doesn't take place between a parent and child but within the parent. When a storm brews, a parent's response will either calm it or trigger a full‐scale tsunami. Staying calm enough to respond constructively to all that childish behavior ― and the stormy emotions behind it ― requires that we grow, too. If we can use those times when our buttons get pushed to reflect, not just react, we can notice when we lose equilibrium and steer ourselves back on track. This inner growth is the hardest work there is, but it's what enables you to become a more peaceful parent, one day at a time.


4번 지문(문항 번호 23번)

We have already seen that learning is much more efficient when done at regular intervals: rather than cramming an entire lesson into one day, we are better off spreading out the learning. The reason is simple: every night, our brain consolidates what it has learned during the day. This is one of the most important neuroscience discoveries of the last thirty years: sleep is not just a period of inactivity or a garbage collection of the waste products that the brain accumulated while we were awake. Quite the contrary: while we sleep, our brain remains active; it runs a specific algorithm that replays the important events it recorded during the previous day and gradually transfers them into a more efficient compartment of our memory.




2022년 고2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사

변형 문제 2

2022년 고 2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2

일반 워크북 형태의 문제에서 벗어나 The Makings가 만든  

2022년 고 2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2

출판사에서 오랫동안 영어 번역과 교정을 하셨던 원어민 선생님과

현직에서 강사를 하고 있는 연구진들이 학생들을 위한 최상의

2022년 고 2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2를 선보입니다.

사고력과 이해력을 요구하는 문제들로 내신 대비 뿐만이 아니라

수능도 한꺼번에 공부하실 수 있는 자료입니다.

중간고사&기말고사 전에 더메이킹스(The Makings)에서

제작한 2022년 고 2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제로 마무리 하세요.


정답 확인하러가기!



2022년 고2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2

2022년 고2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제, 내신대비, 영어내신자료,고등영어자료, 모의고사 변형문제,전국 연합모의고사 변형자료, 모의고사 영어 서술형 대비, 대치동 고등 영어자료, 대치




2022년 고2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2

The Makings의 2022년 고2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제는

총 11개의 유형으로 구성되어 있습니다.


1. 빈칸 채우기(객관식)

2. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/한글 선택지)

3. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/영어 선택지)

4. 글 끼어 넣기(객관식)

5. 어법(서술형)

6. 어휘(서술형)

7. 주제문(객관식/영어 선택지)

8. 어휘 빈칸 채우기(서술형)

9. 영작(서술형)

10. 요약문 완성하기(서술형)

11. 문단 재배열 하기(객관식)


더메이킹스(The Makings)가 제작한  

2022년 고2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2의 지문입니다.


1번 지문(문항 번호 29번)

Even though institutions like the World Bank use wealth to differentiate between "developed" and "developing" countries, they also agree that development is more than economic growth. "Development" can also include the social and environmental changes that are caused by or accompany economic growth, some of which are positive and thus may be negative. Awareness has grown ― and continues to grow ― that the question of how economic growth is affecting people and the planet needs to be addressed. Countries are slowly learning that it is cheaper and causes much less suffering to try to reduce the harmful effects of an economic activity or project at the beginning, when it is planned, than after the damage appears. To do this is not easy and is always imperfect. But an awareness of the need for such an effort indicates a greater understanding and moral concern than did the previous widespread attitude that focused only on creating new products and services.


2번 지문(문항 번호 30번)

The most advanced military jets are fly‑by‑wire: They are so unstable that they require an automated system that can sense and act more quickly than a human operator to maintain control. Our dependence on smart technology has led to a paradox. As technology improves, it becomes more reliable and more efficient, and human operators depend on it even more. Eventually they lose focus, become distracted, and check out, leaving the system to run on its own. In the most extreme case, piloting a massive airliner could become a passive occupation, like watching TV. This is fine until something unexpected happens. The unexpected reveals the value of humans; what we bring to the table is the flexibility to handle new situations. Machines aren't collaborating in pursuit of a joint goal; they are merely serving as tools. So when the human operator gives up oversight, the system is more likely to have a serious accident.


3번 지문(문항 번호 31번)

Followers can be defined by their position as subordinates or by their behavior of going along with leaders' wishes. But followers also have power to lead. Followers empower leaders as well as vice versa. This has led some leadership analysts like Ronald Heifetz to avoid using the word followers and refer to the others in a power relationship as "citizens" or "constituents." Heifetz is correct that too simple a view of followers can produce misunderstanding. In modern life, most people wind up being both leaders and followers, and the categories can become quite fluid. Our behavior as followers changes as our objectives change. If I trust your judgment in music more than my own, I may follow your lead on which concert we attend (even though you may be formally my subordinate in position). But if I am an expert on fishing, you may follow my lead on where we fish, regardless of our formal positions or the fact that I followed your lead on concerts yesterday.


4번 지문(문항 번호 32번)

Color is an interpretation of wavelengths, one that only exists internally. And it gets stranger, because the wavelengths we're talking about involve only what we call "visible light", a spectrum of wavelengths that runs from red to violet. But visible light constitutes only a tiny fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum ― less than one ten-trillionth of it. All the rest of the spectrum ― including radio waves, microwaves, X-rays, gamma rays, cell phone conversations, wi-fi, and so on ― all of this is flowing through us right now, and we're completely unaware of it. This is because we don't have any specialized biological receptors to pick up on these signals from other parts of the spectrum. The slice of reality that we can see is limited by our biology.



2022년 고2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사

변형 문제 1

2022년 고2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 1

일반 워크북 형태의 문제에서 벗어나 The Makings가 만든  

2022년 고2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 1

출판사에서 오랫동안 영어 번역과 교정을 하셨던 원어민 선생님과

현직에서 강사를 하고 있는 연구진들이 학생들을 위한 최상의  

2022년 고2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 1 을 선보입니다.

사고력과 이해력을 요구하는 문제들로 내신 대비 뿐만이 아니라

수능도 한꺼번에 공부하실 수 있는 자료입니다.

중간고사&기말고사 전에 더메이킹스(The Makings)에서 제작한

2022년 고2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제로 마무리 하세요.


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2022년 고2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 1

2022년 고2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제, 내신대비, 영어내신자료,고등영어자료, 모의고사 변형문제,전국 연합모의고사 변형자료, 모의고사 영어 서술형 대비, 대치동 고등 영어자료, 대치



2022년 고2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 1

The Makings의 2022년 고2 6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제는

총 11개의 유형으로 구성되어 있습니다.


1. 빈칸 채우기(객관식)

2. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/한글 선택지)

3. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/영어 선택지)

4. 글 끼어 넣기(객관식)

5. 어법(서술형)

6. 어휘(서술형)

7. 주제문(객관식/영어 선택지)

8. 어휘 빈칸 채우기(서술형)

9. 영작(서술형)

10. 요약문 완성하기(서술형)

11. 문단 재배열 하기(객관식)


더메이킹스(The Makings)가 제작한 2022년 고2

6월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 1의 지문입니다.


1번 지문(문항 번호 20번)

In the rush towards individual achievement and recognition, the majority of those who make it forget their humble beginnings. They often forget those who helped them on their way up. If you forget where you came from, if you neglect those who were there for you when things were tough and slow, then your success is valueless. No one can make it up there without the help of others. There are parents, friends, advisers, and coaches that help. You need to be grateful to all of those who helped you. Gratitude is the glue that keeps you connected to others. It is the bridge that keeps you connected with those who were there for you in the past and who are likely to be there in the end. Relationships and the way you treat others determine your real success.


2번 지문(문항 번호 21번)

For companies interested in delighting customers, exceptional value and service become part of the overall company culture. For example, year after year, Pazano ranks at or near the top of the hospitality industry in terms of customer satisfaction. The company's passion for satisfying customers is summed up in its credo, which promises that its luxury hotels will deliver a truly memorable experience. Although a customer-centered firm seeks to deliver high customer satisfaction relative to competitors, it does not attempt to maximize customer satisfaction. A company can always increase customer satisfaction by lowering its price or increasing its services. But this may result in lower profits. Thus, the purpose of marketing is to generate customer value profitably. This requires a very delicate balance: the marketer must continue to generate more customer value and satisfaction but not 'give away the house'.


3번 지문(문항 번호 22번)

The problem with simply adopting any popular method of parenting is that it ignores the most important variable in the equation: the uniqueness of your child. So, rather than insist that one style of parenting will work with every child, we might take a page from the gardener's handbook. Just as the gardener accepts, without question or resistance, the plant's requirements and provides the right conditions each plant needs to grow and flourish, so, too, do we parents need to custom-design our parenting to fit the natural needs of each individual child. Although that may seem difficult, it is possible. Once we understand who our children really are, we can begin to figure out how to make changes in our parenting style to be more positive and accepting of each child we've been blessed to parent.


4번 지문(문항 번호 23번)

In the movie Groundhog Day, a weatherman played by Bill Murray is forced to relive a single day over and over again. Confronted with this seemingly endless loop, he eventually rebels against living through the same day the same way twice. He learns French, becomes a great pianist, befriends his neighbors, helps the poor. Why do we cheer him on? Because we don't want perfect predictability, even if what's on repeat is appealing. Surprise engages us. It allows us to escape autopilot. It keeps us awake to our experience. In fact, the neurotransmitter systems involved in reward are tied to the level of surprise: rewards delivered at regular, predictable times yield a lot less activity in the brain than the same rewards delivered at random unpredictable times. Surprise gratifies.


2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사

변형 문제 4

2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 4

일반 워크북 형태의 문제에서 벗어나 The Makings가 만든  

2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 4

출판사에서 오랫동안 영어 번역과 교정을 하셨던 원어민 선생님과

현직에서 강사를 하고 있는 연구진들이 학생들을 위한 최상의

2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 4 를 선보입니다.

사고력과 이해력을 요구하는 문제들로 내신 대비 뿐만이 아니라

수능도 한꺼번에 공부하실 수 있는 자료입니다.

중간고사&기말고사 전에 더메이킹스(The Makings)에서 제작한

 2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제로 마무리 하세요.


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2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 4

2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제, 내신대비, 영어내신자료,고등영어자료, 모의고사 변형문제,전국 연합모의고사 변형자료, 모의고사 영어 서술형 대비, 대치동 고등 영어자료, 대치




2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 4


The Makings의 2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제는

총 11개의 유형으로 구성되어 있습니다.

1. 빈칸 채우기(객관식)

2. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/한글 선택지)

3. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/영어 선택지)

4. 글 끼어 넣기(객관식)

5. 어법(서술형)

6. 어휘(서술형)

7. 주제문(객관식/영어 선택지)

8. 어휘 빈칸 채우기(서술형)

9. 영작(서술형)

10. 요약문 완성하기(서술형)

11. 문단 재배열 하기(객관식)



더메이킹스(The Makings)가 제작한  2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사

변형 문제 4의 지문입니다.


1번 지문(문항 번호 37번)

here is no doubt that the length of some literary works is overwhelming. Reading or translating a work in class, hour after hour, week after week, can be such a boring experience that many students never want to open a foreign language book again. Extracts provide one type of solution. The advantages are obvious: reading a series of passages from different works produces more variety in the classroom, so that the teacher has a greater chance of avoiding monotony, while still giving learners a taste at least of an author's special flavour. On the other hand, a student who is only exposed to 'bite-sized chunks' will never have the satisfaction of knowing the overall pattern of a book, which is after all the satisfaction most of us seek when we read something in our own language. Moreover, there are some literary features that cannot be adequately illustrated by a short excerpt: the development of plot or character, for instance, with the gradual involvement of the reader that this implies; or the unfolding of a complex theme through the juxtaposition of contrasting views.


2번 지문(문항 번호 38번)

In the early stages of modern science, scientists communicated their creative ideas largely by publishing books. This modus operandi is illustrated not only by Newton’s Principia, but also by Copernicus’ On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, Kepler’s The Harmonies of the World, and Galileo’s Dialogues Concerning the Two New Sciences. With the advent of scientific periodicals, such as the Transactions of the Royal Society of London, books gradually yielded ground to the technical journal article as the chief form of scientific communication. Of course, books were not abandoned altogether, as Darwin’s Origin of Species shows. Even so, it eventually became possible for scientists to establish a reputation for their creative contributions without publishing a single book-length treatment of their ideas. For instance, the revolutionary ideas that earned Einstein his Nobel Prize ― concerning the special theory of relativity and the photoelectric effect ― appeared as papers in the Annalen der Physik. His status as one of the greatest scientists of all time does not depend on the publication of a single book.


3번 지문(문항 번호 39번)

A supply schedule refers to the ability of a business to change their production rates to meet the demand of consumers. Some businesses are able to increase their production level quickly in order to meet increased demand. However, sporting clubs have a fixed, or inflexible (inelastic) production capacity. They have what is known as a fixed supply schedule. It is worth noting that this is not the case for sales of clothing, equipment, memberships and memorabilia. But clubs and teams can only play a certain number of times during their season. If fans and members are unable to get into a venue, that revenue is lost forever. Although sport clubs and leagues may have a fixed supply schedule, it is possible to increase the number of consumers who watch. For example, the supply of a sport product can be increased by providing more seats, changing the venue, extending the playing season or even through new television, radio or Internet distribution.


4번 지문(문항 번호 40번)

Distance is a reliable indicator of the relationship between two people. Strangers stand further apart than do acquaintances, acquaintances stand further apart than friends, and friends stand further apart than romantic partners. Sometimes, of course, these rules are violated. Recall the last time you rode 20 stories in an elevator packed with total strangers. The sardine-like experience no doubt made the situation a bit uncomfortable. With your physical space violated, you may have tried to create "psychological" space by avoiding eye contact, focusing instead on the elevator buttons. By reducing closeness in one nonverbal channel (eye contact), one can compensate for unwanted closeness in another channel (proximity). Similarly, if you are talking with someone who is seated several feet away at a large table, you are likely to maintain constant eye contact ― something you might feel uncomfortable doing if you were standing next to each other.




2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사

변형 문제 3

2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 3

일반 워크북 형태의 문제에서 벗어나 The Makings가 만든  

2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 3

출판사에서 오랫동안 영어 번역과 교정을 하셨던 원어민 선생님과

현직에서 강사를 하고 있는 연구진들이 학생들을 위한

최상의 2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 3 를 선보입니다.

사고력과 이해력을 요구하는 문제들로 내신 대비 뿐만이 아니라

수능도 한꺼번에 공부하실 수 있는 자료입니다.

중간고사&기말고사 전에 더메이킹스(The Makings)에서 제작한

2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제로 마무리 하세요.


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2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 3

2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제, 내신대비, 영어내신자료,고등영어자료, 모의고사 변형문제,전국 연합모의고사 변형자료, 모의고사 영어 서술형 대비, 대치동 고등 영어자료, 대치






2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 3


The Makings의 2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제는

총 11개의 유형으로 구성되어 있습니다.

1. 빈칸 채우기(객관식)

2. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/한글 선택지)

3. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/영어 선택지)

4. 글 끼어 넣기(객관식)

5. 어법(서술형)

6. 어휘(서술형)

7. 주제문(객관식/영어 선택지)

8. 어휘 빈칸 채우기(서술형)

9. 영작(서술형)

10. 요약문 완성하기(서술형)

11. 문단 재배열 하기(객관식)

더메이킹스(The Makings)가 제작한  

2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 3의 지문입니다.


1번 지문(문항 번호 33번)

According to many philosophers, there is a purely logical reason why science will never be able to explain everything. For in order to explain something, whatever it is, we need to invoke something else. But what explains the second thing? To illustrate, recall that Newton explained a diverse range of phenomena using his law of gravity. But what explains the law of gravity itself? If someone asks why all bodies exert a gravitational attraction on each other, what should we tell them? Newton had no answer to this question. In Newtonian science the law of gravity was a fundamental principle: it explained other things, but could not itself be explained. The moral generalizes. However much the science of the future can explain, the explanations it gives will have to make use of certain fundamental laws and principles. Since nothing can explain itself, it follows that at least some of these laws and principles will themselves remain unexplained.


2번 지문(문항 번호 34번)

In one example of the important role of laughter in social contexts, Devereux and Ginsburg examined frequency of laughter in matched pairs of strangers or friends who watched a humorous video together compared to those who watched it alone. The time individuals spent laughing was nearly twice as frequent in pairs as when alone. Frequency of laughing was only slightly shorter for friends than strangers. According to Devereux and Ginsburg, laughing with strangers served to create a social bond that made each person in the pair feel comfortable. This explanation is supported by the fact that in their stranger condition, when one person laughed, the other was likely to laugh as well. Interestingly, the three social conditions (alone, paired with a stranger, or paired with a friend) did not differ in their ratings of funniness of the video or of feelings of happiness or anxiousness. This finding implies that their frequency of laughter was not because we find things funnier when we are with others but instead we are using laughter to connect with others.


3번 지문(문항 번호 35번)

Today's "digital natives" have grown up immersed in digital technologies and possess the technical aptitude to utilize the powers of their devices fully. But although they know which apps to use or which websites to visit, they do not necessarily understand the workings behind the touch screen. People need technological literacy if they are to understand machines' mechanics and uses. In much the same way as factory workers a hundred years ago needed to understand the basic structures of engines, we need to understand the elemental principles behind our devices. This empowers us to deploy software and hardware to their fullest utility, maximizing our powers to achieve and create.


4번 지문(문항 번호 36번)

The ancient Greeks used to describe two very different ways of thinking ― logos and mythos. Logos roughly referred to the world of the logical, the empirical, the scientific. Mythos referred to the world of dreams, storytelling and symbols. Like many rationalists today, some philosophers of Greece prized logos and looked down at mythos. Logic and reason, they concluded, make us modern; storytelling and mythmaking are primitive. But lots of scholars then and now ― including many anthropologists, sociologists and philosophers today ― see a more complicated picture, where mythos and logos are intertwined and interdependent. Science itself, according to this view, relies on stories. The frames and metaphors we use to understand the world shape the scientific discoveries we make; they even shape what we see. When our frames and metaphors change, the world itself is transformed. The Copernican Revolution involved more than just scientific calculation; it involved a new story about the place of Earth in the universe.



2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사

변형 문제 2

2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2

2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2

일반 워크북 형태의 문제에서 벗어나 The Makings가 만든

2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2

출판사에서 오랫동안 영어 번역과 교정을 하셨던 원어민 선생님과

현직에서 강사를 하고 있는 연구진들이 학생들을 위한 최상의

2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2 를 선보입니다.

사고력과 이해력을 요구하는 문제들로 내신 대비 뿐만이 아니라

수능도 한꺼번에 공부하실 수 있는 자료입니다.

중간고사&기말고사 전에 더메이킹스(The Makings)에서 제작한

2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제로 마무리 하세요.


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2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2

2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제, 내신대비, 영어내신자료,고등영어자료, 모의고사 변형문제,전국 연합모의고사 변형자료, 모의고사 영어 서술형 대비, 대치동 고등 영어자료, 대치




2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2

The Makings의 2022년 고2 3월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제는

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2. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/한글 선택지)

3. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/영어 선택지)

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더메이킹스(The Makings)가 제작한  2022년 고2

3월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 2의 지문입니다.


1번 지문(문항 번호 29번)

Despite abundant warnings that we shouldn't measure ourselves against others, most of us still do. We're not only meaning-seeking creatures but social ones as well, constantly making interpersonal comparisons to evaluate ourselves, improve our standing, and enhance our self-esteem. But the problem with social comparison is that it often backfires. When comparing ourselves to someone who's doing better than we are, we often feel inadequate for not doing as well. This sometimes leads to what psychologists call malignant envy, the desire for someone to meet with misfortune ("I wish she didn't have what she has"). Also, comparing ourselves with someone who's doing worse than we are risks scorn, the feeling that others are something undeserving of our beneficence ("She's beneath my notice"). Then again, comparing ourselves to others can also lead to benign envy, the longing to reproduce someone else's accomplishments without wishing them ill ("I wish I had what she has"), which has been shown in some circumstances to inspire and motivate us to increase our efforts in spite of a recent failure.


2번 지문(문항 번호 30번)

What exactly does normal science involve? According to Thomas Kuhn it is primarily a matter of puzzle-solving. However successful a paradigm is, it will always encounter certain problems ― phenomena which it cannot easily accommodate, or mismatches between the theory's predictions and the experimental facts. The job of the normal scientist is to try to eliminate these minor puzzles while making as few changes as possible to the paradigm. So normal science is a conservative activity - its practitioners are not trying to make any earth-shattering discoveries, but rather just to develop and extend the existing paradigm. In Kuhn's words, 'normal science does not aim at novelties of fact or theory, and when successful finds none'. Above all, Kuhn stressed that normal scientists are not trying to test the paradigm. On the contrary, they accept the paradigm unquestioningly, and conduct their research within the limits it sets. If a normal scientist gets an experimental result which conflicts with the paradigm, they will usually assume that their experimental technique is faulty, not that the paradigm is wrong.


3번 지문(문항 번호 31번)

Around the boss, you will always find people coming across as friends, good subordinates, or even great sympathizers. But some do not truly belong. One day, an incident will blow their cover, and then you will know where they truly belong. When it is all cosy and safe, they will be there, loitering the corridors and fawning at the slightest opportunity. But as soon as difficulties arrive, they are the first to be found missing. And difficult times are the true test of loyalty. Dr. Martin Luther King said, "The ultimate test of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." And so be careful of friends who are always eager to take from you but reluctant to give back even in their little ways. If they lack the commitment to sail with you through difficult weather, then they are more likely to abandon your ship when it stops.


4번 지문(문항 번호 32번)

When you're driving a car, your memory of how to operate the vehicle comes from one set of brain cells; the memory of how to navigate the streets to get to your destination springs from another set of neurons; the memory of driving rules and following street signs originates from another family of brain cells; and the thoughts and feelings you have about the driving experience itself, including any close calls with other cars, come from yet another group of cells. You do not have conscious awareness of all these separate mental plays and cognitive neural firings, yet they somehow work together in beautiful harmony to synthesize your overall experience. In fact, we don't even know the real difference between how we remember and how we think. But, we do know they are strongly intertwined. That is why truly improving memory can never simply be about using memory tricks, although they can be helpful in strengthening certain components of memory. Here's the bottom line: To improve and preserve memory at the cognitive level, you have to work on all functions of your brain.



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