2021년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사(인천시) 변형 문제 4

2021년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사(인천시) 변형 문제 4


일반 워크북 형태의 문제에서 벗어나 The Makings가 만든  

2021년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 4

출판사에서 오랫동안 영어 번역과 교정을 하셨던 원어민 선생님과

현직에서 강사를 하고 있는 연구진들이 학생들을 위한 최상의

2021년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제 4 룰 선보입니다.

사고력과 이해력을 요구하는 문제들로 내신 대비 뿐만이 아니라

수능도 한꺼번에 공부하실 수 있는 자료입니다.

중간고사&기말고사 전에 더메이킹스(The Makings)에서 제작한

2021년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제로 마무리 하세요.


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2021년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제(인천시)

2021년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제, 내신대비, 영어내신자료,고등영어자료, 모의고사 변형문제,전국 연합모의고사 변형자료, 모의고사 영어 서술형 대비, 대치동 고등 영어자료, 대치





2021년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사(인천시) 변형 문제 4

The Makings의 2021년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제는

총 11개의 유형으로 구성되어 있습니다.

1. 빈칸 채우기(객관식)

2. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/한글 선택지)

3. 글의 내용 일치/불일치(객관식/영어 선택지)

4. 글 끼어 넣기(객관식)

5. 어법(서술형)

6. 어휘(서술형)

7. 주제문(객관식/영어 선택지)

8. 어휘 빈칸 채우기(서술형)

9. 영작(서술형)

10. 요약문 완성하기(서술형)

11. 문단 재배열 하기(객관식)


더메이킹스(The Makings)가 제작한 2021년 고2 9월 전국 연합 모의고사 변형 문제의 지문입니다.


1번 지문(문항 번호 37번)

Heat is lost at the surface, so the more surface area you have relative to volume, the harder you must work to stay warm. That means that little creatures have to produce heat more rapidly than large creatures. They must therefore lead completely different lifestyles. An elephant's heart beats just thirty times a minute, a human's sixty, a cow's between fifty and eighty, but a mouse's beats six hundred times a minute - ten times a second. Every day, just to survive, the mouse must eat about 50 percent of its own body weight. We humans, by contrast, need to consume only about 2 percent of our body weight to supply our energy requirements. One area where animals are curiously uniform is with the number of heartbeats they have in a lifetime. Despite the vast differences in heart rates, nearly all mammals have about 800 million heartbeats in them if they live an average life. The exception is humans. We pass 800 million heartbeats after twenty-five years, and just keep on going for another fifty years and 1.6 billion heartbeats or so.


2번 지문(문항 번호 38번)

Interest in ideology in children's literature arises from a belief that children's literary texts are culturally formative, and of massive importance educationally, intellectually, and socially. Perhaps more than any other texts, they reflect society as it wishes to be, as it wishes to be seen, and as it unconsciously reveals itself to be, at least to writers. Clearly, literature is not the only socialising agent in the life of children, even among the media. It is possible to argue, for example, that, today, the influence of books is vastly overshadowed by that of television. There is, however, a considerable degree of interaction between the two media. Many so-called children's literary classics are televised, and the resultant new book editions strongly suggest that viewing can encourage subsequent reading. Similarly, some television series for children are published in book form.


3번 지문(문항 번호 39번)

The United Nations asks that all companies remove their satellites from orbit within 25 years after the end of their mission. This is tricky to enforce, though, because satellites can (and often do) fail. To tackle this problem, several companies around the world have come up with novel solutions. These include removing dead satellites from orbit and dragging them back into the atmosphere, where they will burn up. Ways we could do this include using a harpoon to grab a satellite, catching it in a huge net, using magnets to grab it, or even firing lasers to heat up the satellite, increasing its atmospheric drag so that it falls out of orbit. However, these methods are only useful for large satellites orbiting Earth. There isn't really a way for us to pick up smaller pieces of debris such as bits of paint and metal. We just have to wait for them to naturally re-enter Earth's atmosphere.


4번 지문(문항 번호 40번)

Music is used to mold customer experience and behavior. A study was conducted that explored what impact it has on employees. Results from the study indicate that participants who listen to rhythmic music were inclined to cooperate more irrespective of factors like age, gender, and academic background, compared to those who listened to less rhythmic music. This positive boost in the participants' willingness to cooperate was induced regardless of whether they liked the music or not. When people are in a more positive state of mind, they tend to become more agreeable and creative, while those on the opposite spectrum tend to focus on their individual problems rather than giving attention to solving group problems. The rhythm of music has a strong pull on people's behavior. This is because when people listen to music with a steady pulse, they tend to match their actions to the beat. This translates to better teamwork when making decisions because everyone is following one tempo.



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